Friday Favorite: Benefits of Garlic for Fighting Cancer and the Common Cold

Raw garlic is compared to roasted, stir-fried, simmered, and jarred garlic.

The other video I mentioned is Benefits of Garlic Powder for Heart Disease ( ).

What else can garlic do?
• Inhibiting Platelet Activation with Garlic & Onions ( )
• Garlic & Raisins to Prevent Premature Birth ( )
• Cancer, Interrupted: Garlic & Flavonoids ( )

For more on specific foods for fighting colds, check out:
• Kiwifruit for the Common Cold ( )
• Nutritional Yeast to Prevent the Common Cold ( )
• Preventing the Common Cold with Probiotics? ( )
• Using the Produce Aisle to Boost Immune Function ( )
• Best Food to Prevent Common Childhood Infections ( )
• Best Food to Counter Stress-Induced Immune Suppression ( )
• Elderberry Benefits and Side Effects: Does It Help with Colds and the Flu? ( )

And here is more on foods that fight cancer:
• Strawberries vs. Esophageal Cancer ( )
• Which Fruit Fights Cancer Better? ( )
• Which Dietary Factors Affect Breast Cancer Most? ( )
• Back to Our Roots: Curry and Cancer ( )
• Breast Cancer Survival Vegetable ( )
• Resistant Starch and Colon Cancer ( )
• Tomato Sauce vs. Prostate Cancer ( )
• The Best Diet for Colon Cancer Prevention ( )

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Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at . You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @Torch_Vs says:

    Why can’t you speak normally????

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @thebowandbullet says:

    Garlic is love, garlic is life. 🧄🧄🧄💚

  • @potatolover56 says:

    I have cancer in my anus. I just inserted whole garlic in my anus, how long do I have to keep it there? It’s moderately uncomfortable. Thanks.

  • @VeganGirl. says:

    I love Dr. Greger.

  • @5t4n5 says:

    I eat 4-8 grams of raw garlic every day with my hi carb wfpb diet. 60 years old, never had cancer, never even get a hint of cold. Never get flu, covid, coughs, sore throats, nothing.

    Super fit, super healthy, all blood work exceptional.

  • @jonesr1404 says:

    “Put It To The Test” !

  • @PlantbasedSilvi says:

    It is best to leave it for 10 minutes to get the most allicin after chopping or crushing with a garlic press. Mix in the highest allicin content raw or after cooking when the stove has been turned off

  • @Wolfl1nt says:

    i watched the original just yesterday and now it got re-uploaded xD

  • @legambaz says:

    I wonder garlic powder has how much of the good stuff compared to the fresh garlic

  • @alanbryer6234 says:

    Remember to support organic growers! The extra cost for the produce could perhaps be seen as health insurance.. both for your body and the Earths. ‘Get big or get out’ is devastating our soils and environments. As a small producer I grow seasonal fruit and veg on just a few acres and can confirm nobody does this for money! Yet small scale local diversity is essential. With money making the decisions over health we racing towards a dark future💚🙏🏽

  • @stevennielsen3252 says:

    What about ajoene from garlic that is macerated in oil? Many universities and drug companies are testing it as a cure for cancer. I tried to buy ajoene online but the many sources would only sell to researchers.

  • @cristinabutunoi2516 says:

    What could happen if I eat daily 90 g of garlic? I crave garlic and onion daily.

  • @BodyBalanceBlueprint-qh2im says:

    It is useful and good

  • @bshef3424 says:

    Just in-time for Halloween…… obviously also keeps the Vampires Away 🦇🦇🦇

  • @lorah3005 says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!
    *Ask your city government to sign the Plant Based Treaty!* 🖖

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