The Best Supplement to Prevent Skin Cancer

Oral nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3, has been shown to prevent skin cancers in high-risk patients and cause precancerous lesions to disappear.

The skin aging video I mentioned is The Benefits of Topical Niacinamide for Reversing Skin Aging ( ).

In the next video, I look at How to Prevent Skin Cancer with Diet ( ).

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @AnonymousanonymousA says:

    ‘devil’s apple’?

  • @ophelialeverett1 says:

    Awesome video! Very good explanation.

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel! I say it every time 🙂

  • @yoginasser305 says:

    Do I try to find nicotinamide as a supplement or just shop for vitamin B3?

  • @misterx3188 says:

    According to the German Bundesamt für Risikobewertung, “For food supplements with daily recommended doses of more than 16 mg nicotinamide, a caution note is recommended that pregnant women should refrain from taking such products”

  • @mu999 says:

    В каких прожуктах он содержится

  • @jesusjones3014 says:

    Hope you’ll discuss the diffent types of b3 available in pill form. I’ll assume you want to use the flushing type of nicotinamide?

  • @nazokashii says:

    Thank you <3

  • @VeganLinked says:

    Nicotinamide niacinamide niacin not nicotine got it, maybe….

  • @Atomicfog says:

    Have you read the research from Nature Medicine “The average person should avoid niacin supplements now that we have reason to believe that taking too much niacin can potentially lead to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.” I actually taken niacinamide for awhile and may have some energy benefits, but yeah. It seems like may want to get more data on the proper dosage and/or maybe take minimal amounts if anything.

    • @davin8r says:

      Niacin and niacinamide are not the same thing.

    • @Atomicfog says:

      @@davin8r They are though essentially. They are both vitamin b3. Niacinamide is no flush niacin. I took it for awhile because niacin makes you flush. The point of the research was that too much vitamin b3 can lead to increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. More research can help us know how much that is.

    • @davin8r says:

      @@Atomicfog no-flush niacin is inositol hexanicotinate . Agree that none of the 3 do anything to help heart disease and may even be detrimental.

    • @sergiomontes2568 says:

      niacin (nicotinic acid) and nicotinamide (also known as niacinamide) are Both forms of vitamin B3, but they have different effects and safety profiles.

      1. **Niacin (Nicotinic Acid):**
      – **Primary Use:** Niacin is commonly used in higher doses to manage cholesterol levels, as it can lower LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and increase HDL cholesterol.
      – **Side Effects:** High doses of niacin (often above 1,000 mg per day) can cause side effects such as flushing, liver toxicity, and insulin resistance. Concerns have also been raised about its impact on blood sugar levels and cardiovascular risk in some studies.
      – **Cardiovascular Concerns:** Some studies, including large trials, have suggested that high-dose niacin supplementation, particularly when combined with statins, does not significantly reduce cardiovascular events and may be associated with adverse effects such as increased risk of stroke, bleeding, and diabetes. This has led to caution in using high-dose niacin specifically for cardiovascular protection.

      2. **Nicotinamide (Niacinamide):**
      – **Primary Use:** Nicotinamide is used for its skin benefits, such as improving skin health, reducing acne, and preventing non-melanoma skin cancers. It does not have the same lipid-lowering effects as niacin and does not cause flushing.
      – **Safety Profile:** Nicotinamide is generally safe and well-tolerated, even at doses used for skin cancer prevention (typically 500 mg twice daily). It does not carry the same risks as high-dose niacin in terms of liver toxicity or cardiovascular effects.

      ### The Confusion Between Niacin and Nicotinamide
      The concern about niacin leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease likely stems from studies on high-dose niacin supplements (nicotinic acid), not nicotinamide. This confusion can arise because both are forms of vitamin B3, but they have different applications and safety profiles.

      ### Conclusion
      Niacin (nicotinic acid) and nicotinamide (niacinamide) are both forms of vitamin B3 but are used for different purposes and have different effects. The cardiovascular concerns mentioned in the comment you read are associated with high doses of niacin (nicotinic acid), not nicotinamide (niacinamide). Nicotinamide remains a safe and effective option for skin health, including its use in reducing the risk of non-melanoma skin cancers, without the cardiovascular risks associated with high-dose niacin.

  • @adamd9418 says:

    Looking forward to hearing about how we can protect against skin cancer from the inside out!

  • @abc_cba says:

    Astaxanthin also shows promising results, especially for the eyes from UV radiation based degeneration.

  • @Macorelppa says:

    As an Indian I can confirm that I am skin cancer proof. 😋

  • @alanstolarczyk5442 says:

    Dude, the flush!! Wow! But if it’s good, why not

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