Dietitian Reacts to Everything Kylie Jenner Eats in a Day (*YIKES*)

Hi everyone, welcome to Abbey's Kitchen! In todays review, I will be reviewing none other than Kylie Jenner.

A few disclaimers:

1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) This video format follows a celebrity’s description of what they eat- I know little about its accuracy, portions, brands, cooking preparation etc – so I’ll be making a pretty broad assessment.

3) Please be kind in the comments, here and on Kylie's social media platforms.

4) TRIGGER WARNING: some graphics and discussions may be disturbing to some viewers so feel free to skip this video.

5) Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and ring the little bell so you never miss out!

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If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Baeoah says:

    So happy you and O2B collabed! I love both your points, and you represent various journeys. YouTube videos are like small essays where we critically analyse and research ways to progress our knowledge.

    Thank you for continuing and learning and dealing with the controversy, your work deserves to be heard!

  • Cameron Aerobics says:

    “Of course you have a whole celery draw in your fridge”🤣🤣🤣

    • Abbey Sharp says:


    • Ur Mom says:


    • Cameron Aerobics says:

      @Ur Mom than you SO much

    • Jennifer Schaffer says:

      I do too🤗

    • jwoolman5 says:

      I want to know how all that celery looks so good just tossed together dry in a drawer. Mine dies pretty easily, although lately I’ve had some success storing cut stalks in water. Sigh. I suppose Kylie has a special celery shopper on her staff. Or maybe it’s delivered daily to her house.

      Love to eat celery, even all by itself. I even like the leaves. It’s just hard to get the good stuff here.

      I’ve added some celery to fruit in the vitamix to make drinks of thick or thin consistency, and that can be nice. Kind of brightens up the taste of the fruit. Bell peppers of all colors do the same.

  • Alerah Andre says:

    I think the Kylie has a professional chef who is able to cook her nutritional and delicious food. I’m only assuming this because often she posts on her stories these fancy lunches and dinners that are really well presented and I find it hard to believe she did it herself.

  • Maria Fernanda Patrón says:

    I absolutely love how you promote a healthy relationship with food!! You never label foods as “good” or “bad” you just talk about their nutrient content. I’ve been to several nutritionists in the past (since I was eleven years old) and all of them have given me a list of safe foods (some wouldn’t even allow me to eat carrots🙄🙄) which made me develop fear foods. Your videos have taught me about intuitive eating and that no food is bad, we should just have them in moderation, and eat a balanced diet! You saved my relationship with food! Thank you so much, you’re amazing!! 💕💕

  • Dino nuggets 🦖 says:

    I love how respectful abbey is of these celebs while still being informative and entertaining

  • Deanne B says:

    A drawer full of celery specifically for the purpose of celery juice is the most LA thing I’ve ever heard

  • Mochi Mochi says:

    I grew up with a mom who binge ate and would then go on crazy restrictive diets. I learned that behavior, developed an eating disorder where I would starve myself for long period of time, and still have issues to this day. When I was a preteen/teen chat rooms were the only popular thing online. I’m glad young people have videos like yours today. It’s so important that parents teach their children how to have a healthy relationship with food. If they don’t, I hope those lost teens find these videos to help them.

  • Ree says:

    I just got my wisdom teeth removed and I was drinking bone broth for nearly every meal. It kept me feeling full. Not the best tasting 😜 but I feel it helped me recover fast! 😊

  • 月島亜利矢 says:

    Thanks so much for this informative video!
    I struggle with an eating disorder and tend to blame myself for my own lack of willpower when I compare my habits to those of celebrities like Kylie so to hear a professional analyze how unhealthy her habits actually are is really relieving. It sounds like Kylie is someone who tries to eat healthily due to the pressure to look good and live up to impossible standards but in reality struggles a lot and doesn’t have a great understanding of nutrition. She seems to be stuck in the “dieting means restricting from things you like” rather than “dieting means eating nutritious, fulfilling foods.” It is still something I am learning so I hope she and I both can get better haha.

  • KyssedByFyre says:

    I’m currently in ED recovery. In cardiac rehab. Been watching your channel and I REALLY love your attitude about food. The FIRST dietician/nutritionist that I’ve gotten such a REAL vibe from, regarding how YOU view food, as well as understanding how your clients view food. I feel like your suggestions are doable and sustainable for a wide variety of people. Thank you for taking the time to put out such quality educational content.

  • Joyful in Hope says:

    Per the turkey bacon rant: I’m so happy I found someone who speaks the truth about nutrition, rather than parroting back trendy answers. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can usually recognize health ‘trends’ vs. truth, but the truth is so hard to find. 💕

  • Nenonxo says:

    What i eat in a day

    •lemon water 🍋 🫖
    •toast with avocado 🥑
    •snack an almond 🥜
    •lunch a kale salad 🥗
    •dinner bone broth

    Guilty pleasure fries

    Every food video 🌚

  • Neža Šarlah says:

    i find americans so weird with the whole bone broth thingy, it’s a normal thing us europeans and balkans eat as a soup with noodles for lunch/dinner. Like its just weird to consume this as a diet food/drink early in the morning. i’m kinda tired of diet culture constantly trying to make foods it and sell it as “clean”

  • Sofie Ivan Andersen says:

    Abbey: “I’m not a sushi connoisseur.” Well, I AM a sushi connoisseur and have lived in Japan for years. You are absolutely bang on the money with soy sauce. You’re only supposed to have a tiny drop or two to enhance the flavour, not dunk it in the stuff. However, I balk at the brown rice suggestion. The most important part of sushi is the rice. Sushi literally means vinegared rice and to get the right sushi, you need the right kind of WHITE rice. However, sushi is supposed to be a special meal, not eaten everyday. For most people it naturally is because of the price. So I simply suggest eating sushi the proper way (with white rice) – but just balance it with more produce and wholegrain in your other meals that day 🙂

    • sj4iy says:

      Exactly…you don’t drop it in or soak it. Also, when I was in Japan, the sushi chef always put the wasabi on the nigiri sushi already, so…no choice there. Personally, I prefer sashimi or chirashi, anyway. And I’ve only see brown rice sushi in the US…and I don’t think it tastes right. I was a college student so it wasn’t like I ate it often (just too expensive). It was usually only when we went out in a group. Usually my takeout there was gyuudon, ramen, or 7-11 (onigiri, oden, sandwiches) and sometimes macdonald’s or moss burger…but most of the time I went grocery shopping for simple meals I could make in my tiny apartment.

      Even now in the US, when I want Japanese, I don’t necessarily crave sushi or sashimi. I want hot pot, rice balls, soba with tempura, etc. Or just fish, miso soup and rice. I still save sushi for special occasions or when eating with a group.

  • Jen Jen says:

    As a Hispanic American… we eat “bone broth” at least once a week. It really makes me laugh at how these influencers promote and make money off these trends as if they invented them 😩🙅🏽‍♀️

    • Pretty Mothafocka says:

      Are they talking about caldo de pollo? bc I really can´t tell if it´s the same or another thing

    • valeria acevedo says:

      @Pretty Mothafocka yes!!! it’s basically the same. in english, you’d say “stock” is when you make it with the meat; “broth” when you make it with the bone. i learned from my grandma and mom to always save the pieces of bone to do broth later (caldo de pollo). idk why they would ever drink it on its own and not just make soup with it (like sopa de gandules). makes no sense.

  • Dany Vorphal says:

    I find it weird that so many families cook different meals for kids. As a kid, I always got what everybody else (adults) were having. And if I didn’t like something, I had the option of choosing more of something that was already on the menu that day…. I learned to try and enjoy most foods.

    • Noisy Hill says:

      Exactly.. there’s no way my mom or my grandmother would have cooked extra food like fries for me to eat. So unnecessary in my opinion.

    • T MB says:

      We all choose our battles.

    • N. Lo says:

      She had a chef 😑

    • Isha Thakor says:

      mine did a kid version of the meals that was just less spicy than what the grownups were eating til i was like 10 years old. but i was still eating the same food as them. crazy that people make entirely different meals for their kids.

    • nini says:

      I mean I wasn’t ever allowed to eat things like burgers and pizzas from fast food chains, so my parents used to cook whatever I wanted. Like, they’d ask me first what I wanted to eat and then they’d cook a healthier version of it. So if I wanted fries, they’d make baked/airfried sweet potato fries etc etc

  • Tay Charlese says:

    Imagine being able to afford the best private chef on earth and not eating amazing and nutritious dishes for every single meal without having to cook or clean afterwards.

  • Natasha Leech says:

    The tip of sliced apple really helped me. I was really struggling with late night cravings and wanting sugar/chocolate after indulging so often and at night. When I was reading at the end of the day I would bring a sliced apple, a spoon of peanut butter and a block of dark chocolate for my desert and slowly but surely my late night cravings of sugar stopped x

  • A Ansell says:

    I have “safe foods”, but my definition of “safe food” is something that is always in my kitchen and I can eat/cook no matter how my mental health is on a particular day. I still try to have some variety, though!

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