Butter Mom VS Almond Mom?! #diet #nutrition #shorts
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey
They’re still showing off their thin body’s alongside the food. So it is basically the same body vs food comparison
It also still demonizes different ways of (still healthy) eating. To me, as someone who has been in multiple circles of ED recovery including residential treatment, it feels a lot like when people are newly on their recovery and they start demonizing any form of eating besides their own as unhealthy and restrictive. Their judgment might be right, but they still don’t need to be making it because they don’t know why someone else eats the way they do and it only fuels feelings of shame and guilt.
You do realize that’s exactly what Abby here does too, though? Takes advantage of her thinness to promote her way of eating to her audience. No one would listen to her if she wasn’t thin.
How are thin people meant to exist? If they were fat in the same style of clothes we would say glorifying obesity? They’re not stroking their bones and flaunting their body size.
Is butter
a carb? ED potential or heart attack? What happened to everything in moderation, variety and nutrition but delicious food kinda mom? My mom raised us on HCCs for every meal
! She’s an Abbey Type of Mom!

Yeah, it’s giving keto
With potatoes????
This girl got so much hate it’s honestly sad
They’re obsessed with healthy eating, but not you? Pot vs kettle
i’m not saying she’s exempt from it but you seem obsessed with criticizing abbey. hell i’m a subscriber and you’re earlier to this video than i am. comment history babes you need to get a job.
My mum is a butter mum, lots of butter and oil but no sugar