Dietitian Reviews Daisy Keech’s Diet (We Really Need To Talk About This…)

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Hey everyone I’m Abbey Sharp welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. Today we will be reviewing fitness and lifestyle YouTuber, Daisy Keech.


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations to Daisy.

3) Please be kind in the comments.

4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.

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With Science & Sass,

Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Abbey Sharp says:

    Feeling better starts with a single message! Get $100 off with code ABBEYTALK

  • Gina Marie says:

    Ugh the banana shaming 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s sad that diet culture has made us fear FRUIT.

    • Esiri says:

      It’s soo annoying honestly

    • Carina Calderon says:

      yessss!! this is so TERRIBLE!

      last week I was thinking about how much fear I had of eating bananas and I literally started crying!!! it’s unbelievable how diet culture can make us fearful of the most natural things!! bananas are just one example of those.

      I am so glad I found Abbye and am learning more about Intuitive Eating and making peace with food, finally! 🙌

    • Michaela says:

      lol and i am here having banana oatmeal almost everyday 😂😂

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      I know 😫

    • jrseahorse says:

      I just ate a banana a few minutes ago 😂

  • Ingrid M says:

    Thank you for calling out this unfair demonization of bread! I had a personal trainer recently tell me my sourdough bread avocado toast for breakfast that day was 90% of my daily carbs that I was “allowed” to have. I’m so tired of people saying you need to “eat clean” to be healthy, honestly what does that even mean.

    • Trippy Siren says:

      Personoal trainers should NOT be giving diet advice or telling you what you’re ALLOWED to eat.

    • Ent says:

      I used to be a PT, i never gave dietary advice, always reminding my clients that although i can guide, i am NOT a dietitian. Unless qualified to, they should stay within the boundaries on exercise.

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Thanks for sharing! I’m so glad that part was helpful

    • Bambi78 says:

      I had a trainer tell me basically that carbs are the devil and to really limit them. At the time I was morbidly obese and had no idea. Thankfully I didn’t listen to her, ate the carbs and lost 140 pounds

    • Hannah T says:

      @Bambi78 thats awesome!! congrats! i bet that was a long journey

  • Sunshine SS says:

    I actually enjoy this setting a lot. It feels relaxed and like having a conversation with your dietitian friend… Hahaha

    Love your videos!

  • Robin Hahn says:

    Urgh, she’s so defensive of her eating of sourdough and bananas, and they’re some of my favourite foods of all time 😂

  • Giovanna Cristina says:

    i would totally buy a t-shirt that says ‘’eat the damn bread’’

  • Dayna Joyce says:

    what i eat in days like this from “fitness” influencers are seriously so toxic.. spent years of my life comparing what i ate to these types of women and always felt guilty for eating more…. eat the whole banana! eat the bread!

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      I’m sorry if they are triggering for you!

    • CherryJuli says:

      Unfortunately that’s the fitness world to you. I know people who don’t even eat bananas because of the sugar and wanting to keep a sixpack.

    • Punk Queen says:

      @Abbey Sharp i don’t understand this? Why should this trigger anyone? How can anyone be so fragile? Its such a western thing . You do a great job. I enjoy it. I don’t even know how these people are

    • Amanda Alexandre says:

      @Punk Queen The triggering pertains to eating disorders some people have. To them, even normal things such as calories, weight scales, diet examples, can trigger a bulimia/anorexic episode, for example.

      We should not judge, this is a product of our sick society.

    • Emily says:

      I’m 110 lbs, it usually doesn’t fluctuate and I eat the hell out of some bananas and bread. Sometimes a bit of ice cream too omg

  • Kate Mayberry says:

    Thanks for highlighting the risk of no period. I had an eating disorder as a teenager and never got a period. Found out I had osteoporosis at 19 years old. I’m 29 now, a mom of two, and am thankfully able to breastfeed. I haven’t had any fractures yet but the health of my bones is something that I think about quite often.

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Thank you for sharing your experience with this. I’m glad that part was helpful

    • grayson camille says:

      I also found out I had osteoporosis at 16 years old, so I think about this often as well – wish it were talked about more. Thank you for sharing – I’m so encouraged to hear that you are doing well <3

    • Camille B says:

      @grayson camille hey, also Kamila here 😊 wow, that is terrible… how are you able to keep yourself from getting injured? I also wonder what to eat to support my bones and skin. I think I was stuggling for a while with undereating myself, but only for a short time and I am 35, regular periods – so nothing dramatic. I just want to be healthy, have normal body fat and muscles. My issue is that there is such a huge amount of info regarding eating and workout, which contradict itself – I am so confused now about how many meals I should have, when to have the last one…. Even “experts” have often different approach towards this. I don’t want to starve or have less vitamins and minerals, but I don’t know how to deal with meals when I workout or go for very long hikes where I need more energy. Sugar is really demonized around me. Fat as well. I eat fruits and I love 70% cocoa chocolate. However, when I eat this my friend who is a trainer tells me it is too much, app I use (only sometimes) says the same. But on this channel I found out, that this tiny piece of chocolate is nothing and I still eat less sugar than I should. I am lost. So confusing.

    • therabbithat says:

      I’m so sorry! That’s so awful. This needs to be talked about more. I think when we are young we take our body’s ability to heal for granted, we don’t realize that yes, there can be permanent implications. Well, with ED sometimes the goal is coping with life and they are in too much pain to worry about the future, but for most kids with disordered eating habits watching these influencers that information could really help them

    • Andrea Montes says:

      Hello!! Could you please share your symptoms? I had an ED and never got my period and am quite concerned now that I may have developed osteoporosis as well.

  • Taytay Queen says:

    She has to keep her body looking like that with a super low calorie diet because the truth is that’s why people go to her videos. Because she has an aspirational body and she is aware of this. She doesn’t offer anything else. Without it, she would lose followers and views because her workout videos aren’t anything expectational. Her entire following is built on her body, that’s how she markets herself, she’s dug her own self into this hole, so she’ll have to eat low af and maintain this no matter how hungry, miserable and destroying herself from the insides she is.

    • Laini Ritsch says:

      You hit the nail on the head. Sadly, I don’t think she would want to follow any of Abby’s gentle diet tips. She doesn’t want to eat more. She knows what she’s doing.

    • Taytay Queen says:

      @Laini Ritsch The fact that she wants to get leaner is so alarming to me. But it’s her own fault really, she sold herself to the internet for her body instead of actually interesting content and personality so now she has to stay ‘hot body chick’ or people will move on.

    • S H says:

      I remember her posting a photo of her butt with something like: ‘showing your body is not bad. Everyone is made differently and should feel beautiful no matter what society expects us to look like’ 💀 she is so disconnected from regular people in my opinion.

      It made me feel so bad for her. She is exactly what society expects women to look like. It horrifies me to make a whole career out of eating a low calorie diet, I think I would be so unhappy.

    • Taytay Queen says:

      @S H As much as I wanna blame her I get it you know. Pretty girls are basically conditioned to believe that that’s the most valuable thing about them, so it’s not surprising it’s the only thing I see her investing in: her looks. Because let’s be real Daisy has 0 personality.

    • S H says:

      @Taytay Queen oh yes i agree with you as well. It is just plain sad. The whole situation is sad.

  • Annalyn Alexis says:

    When I eat a banana, I’m pleased with myself for eating another serving of fruit and the various nutrients that come with it. It’s so strange to see that some people are actually concerned about the carbs that come with bananas, as if it’s somehow…unhealthy to eat a piece of fruit???

    Though I don’t usually eat a whole banana at a time anymore. I’m more likely to freeze it in bites, then cover it with chocolate. It’s a yummy dessert, especially when I’ve run out of ice cream and won’t let myself go to the store again until I’m also out of veggies. ^_^

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Sounds amazing!

    • Annalyn Alexis says:

      @딸기 가 좋아 I’ve never had it. I don’t really do small servings of ice cream, so a tiny pint of Ben & Jerry’s would disappear way too quickly, considering its cost. My inability to eat small servings is why I end up ice-cream-less for several days between grocery-shopping trips.

      And sorry, I have notifications for replies turned off, since those get annoying when you reply to a popular comment. 😛 Notifications for likes are on, though. ^_^

    • 딸기 가 좋아 says:

      @Annalyn Alexis I thought I could finish the pint in one sitting too, but the sugar levels are so highly disgusting that two spoons are my limit for the day 😂 it usually ends up lasting 3 to 4 weeks

    • Annalyn Alexis says:

      @딸기 가 좋아 Hmm… may be worth a try for me then.

      But really, I can easily eat half a 1.5-qt carton of ice cream in one sitting. I try to keep it to below a third (ideally less than a fourth), so I can make it last longer and avoid stomach aches. 😛

  • lily apolonis says:

    You should review Old Hollywood Diets- like Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, etc: There are several accounts of what they would eat in a day. Judy Garland is a good example of how toxic Hollywood was back then (and it continues to be today tbh). It would be interesting to see a modern dietician’s view on this! Great Video as always 🍒👍

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Great idea!

    • kay luhluh says:

      Would love this!!!

    • cristina elisabet says:

      @Abbey Sharp It’d be especially cool for Audrey Hepburn since her eating habits were sort of swayed by her childhood

    • Louise T says:

      @cristina elisabet I read somewhere that Audery Hepburn’s digestive system was severely damaged because had to survive off flour made from tulips during WWII (which I think is toxic?). It caused significant issues for her, her body wasn’t able to absorb nutrients properly for the rest of her life and she had trouble eating/digesting a lot of foods. It’s why she was so thin her whole life (according to what I read).

    • Paper Plate says:

      Idk if it’s true but I read that Judy garland’s agent would watch her at restaurants to make sure she wasn’t eating more than she should

  • Allison Kompare says:

    I can only imagine how much time it takes to find real studies, read through those studies, and then report the information back to a viewer in an easy to understand way. Thank you for all your hard work Abbey! There are so many influencers pumping out BS it’s so awesome to see what the science says!

  • Natalie van Dongen says:

    TW: ED. My dad was a personal trainer. He told me at a young age that he hoped I would never have a 6 pack because I would likely be starving myself to do so. That stuck with me.

    • Lexi Lost In wonderland says:

      Your dad didn’t want you to harm yourself it sweet .

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Wow. Thank you for sharing that

    • Ali says:

      leshelly21 no one was fit shaming lol. If it works for you, great, but it isn’t sustainable for most women without severe calorie and carbohydrate restriction

    • Ali says:

      leshelly21 tf? She said HER FATHER told her that, her father most likely knows her daughter’s body type and overall being, and since he’s a personal trainer she was glad he’s not expecting that from her because it wouldn’t fit her. A lot of parents who are into fitness unfortunately end up causing EDs to their kids, my mother went through that. Not everything is about YOU

    • tia_expl says:

      leshelly21 having rumors spread about you because you’re skinny is nowhere near what people who are not like you experience. your struggles are valid, but please stop comparing it to others’, especially when the two are not comparable. you will never face the systemic disadvantages that overweight and other marginalized body types do simply for existing.

  • Erin Hausmann says:

    I just wish influencers would promote realistic healthy diets that aren’t full of all these trendy fads

  • Abbigail Carr says:

    When she made her smoothie: oh thank god she’s making a morning snack after the smaller breakfast.

    When she cut to dinner: wait, was the smoothie her LUNCH? Was that lunch????

  • Claire Renee says:

    The fact that Daisy Keech, among many other influencers, have a workout guide and food plan (that costs $, might I add) is SO concerning because she has 0 credentials, certifications or degrees. I don’t understand how this is legal.

    • ChiChi says:

      Agreed! It’s great that she can make a living/killer money off of taking pictures of her genetically gifted body, but do NOT pretend that you got that body from working out/eating a certain way and do NOT sell stupid plans to the naive, the gullible and the uneducated who think that paying for such a plan will make them look like Daisy.

    • Justin Chambers says:

      @ChiChi so true i cried a little while reading it. Glad I’m not the only one who thinks that

    • Laura Gomes says:

      This is one of the biggest things that i love in my country (Brazil) you just can’t give advice about food intake our exercise if you are not a nutricionist or a physical exercise professional ( minimum of 4 years university).

    • ChiChi says:

      @Laura Gomes I’m happy to hear that!

    • Isabella Rossl says:

      It’s not though. I think it depends on the legislations of each country but here in my country it’s illegal for people that aren’t certified to do that, and even then only registered dietitians can do it

  • Kerriana Johnson says:

    So basically what I got from this video is I’m in an extreme calorie deficit and that’s why I’m not getting optimal results from my workouts. This video was extremely informational for me and helped me realize a lot. I guess I was viewing food just like this girl. I’m very glad I watched this video.

  • Anna says:

    I’m italian and i literally eat bread every morning and pasta like 4 times a week( bc my nonna cooks too well haha) and I can tell you I’m far from being fat and so is everybody else hear so please don’t listen to her and don’t cut carbs to get “skinny” they’re too good <3

    • Maya Goursam says:

      No cause the reason why your skinny compare to us usa civilians is cause our food is heavyyyyyy processed so I don’t blame her lol

    • SamIam says:

      No no no…carbs here in America is worst then in Italy. My husband and I (doctor and nurse) super into diet and wonder why the Italians were so small in comparison to America…we took a trip down there last month. Turns out the carbs you guys eat is closer to the source, while in America our carbs are so heavily processed. Also, the oils America use is even worst…the oils we use (vegetable oil) is used in almost all our foods and that oil screws up with our mitochondria, which is the cell that helps with energy (ATP) makes it harder to make ATP among other things. There are studies and science to back this up. Italians use olive oil which is extremely healthy and a big deference in why Italians are some of the healthiest people in the word (particularly as you guys get older) It’s possible that the oils contribute to obesity more than the processed carbs even but there’s no hard evidence for that.

    • Neidin O`Sulliavan says:

      @Lit Nation that’s so not true I hope you realise that. Bread like sourdough has many nutritional benefits and a lot of bread is a good source of fibre and protein. Don’t fear any food

  • lisi says:

    i‘m so overwhelmed and feel like having a healthy balanced diet is literally so complicated 🙁

    • T M says:

      as long as you focus on eating more whole foods and staying full, you will feel better.

    • 안지SUNNI says:

      A wise woman once said- pick something healthy and eat it. When you’re full, then great. Its your birthday? Have some fucking cake. Your body will thank u :>

    • aurnaur_itsanamerican says:

      If you feel like tracking calories would be a good decision for you, just focus on protein, and for the rest of it, just eat as healthy as is possible for you.

    • S R says:

      Its not. Just make each meal balanced with protein fat carb and fiber

    • kitesinthetrees says:

      remember to eat for what feels better physically, not always emotionally.

  • abigail Joseph says:

    I’m recovering from an ED and hearing you say “eat the d*mn bread” made me cry. I think I just needed someone I trust to give me permission to eat what my body wants

    Edit: THANK YOU to everyone who replied to this comment!! I’m sobbing looking back at where I was when I posted this 7 months ago. I now eat 3 meals plus 2-3 snacks a day. The little monologue that used to happen every time I ate is gone and I can really enjoy food again. For those wondering if recovery is possible I can tell you 100% IT IS POSSIBLE!!!!!!! IT IS POSSIBLE!!!! DONT GIVE UP!!

    • Britton Rose Wilson says:

      good luck w your recovery you got this love💕

    • Afellowstudent12 says:

      Eat the d*mn bread your family’s cooking and even go to restaurants if that pleases your body I believe you can go that far in the future but for the moment let that lady teach and influence you with her knowledge she even posted her eating routines one day you’ll prob stick to it I trust

    • Maggie A says:

      You deserve all the non-guilt bread, you got this!!!

    • TheRikkuShak says:

      As someone who is recovered (as far as you can be) the feeling of just eating and enjoying life again is seriously so much better than any kind of thin body I could ever have. I remember when I’d ditch my friends and not go out because I thought coffee with milk has too many calories, let alone a meal or alcohol. So girl EAT THE BREAD!! Life’s seriously too short to stay away from anything that would make you happy. And ngl bread is life 😀

    • Maya :) says:

      I wish you the best of luck in recovery! <3

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