Dietitians thoughts on Eugenia Cooney Part 2


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4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Sova Nocni says:

    The problem is she technically isn’t breaking any rules just by being on camera. She would have to actively promote the disordered behaviour to give platforms a reason to delete her content/ban her account.

    Anyways at this point I think the only one who can help Eugenia is herself. People on the internet think that If she would be forced in a treatment it would be beneficial for her. I doubt that, I think it could make mor mental harm than good. And if she doesn’t want to recover she won’t no matter what treatment she goes through.

    • ethansbmo says:

      true, she was once forced into treatment and made some really good progress but backslid as soon as she was given an opening to be back on camera. eugenia’s only hope is to want to get help herself atp, she’s literally deathly sick and doesn’t have much time and although treatment would help she’s done so much damage to herself she won’t live to a normal life expectancy even if she fully recovered. it’s a sad situation all around and she deserves the best.

    • Kimbra Flores says:

      Forced treatment would be physically beneficial but psychologically traumatizing. She also likely would live with permanent damage to her body, even if she were to recover.

    • Gabrijela Mikulić says:

      It would be beneficial to force her into treatment.
      The first step to recovery IS weight gain, as your brain can’t function properly with such little body fat percentage. Yes, she would hate it, but with proper therapy and support there is a way out.

  • Fair-to-Middling says:

    I have reported her content recently, but unfortunately I think YT is more interested in the amount of views she gets. And really, Eugenia knows what she’s doing, especially since she never says a word about how to be in essence, a walking skeleton. I do blame her mother though. As a mom myself, it sickens me to think of promoting my daughter in such a way.

    • Anna Grogan says:

      Same! I reported her multiple times and nothing is happening. So sick so sad 🙁

    • Kate Templeton says:

      It’s so astonishing to me that Eugenia tries to show everyone that she’s basically a normal woman and never addresses the state her body is in. She ignores all the comments left by people who are genuinely worried about her. So at this point, she definitely knows what she’s doing, no question there. But I just wonder, what does her mother feel like about all this? What is their relationship like? Does her mom try to help Eugenia or does she simply ignore everything? That’s unfathomable to me. I don’t know much about Eugenia and I don’t watch her content but I’ve watched several videos about her over the years and I think she’s almost 30 now but still lives with her mom and doesn’t have any private life outside streaming. I may be wrong though.

    • S J says:

      Isn’t Eugenia an adult ? Why is her mother taking fault ?

    • Kimbra Flores says:

      ​@S J Because she is in her daughter’s videos. Because she has stated that her daughter is healthy and isn’t worried about her. My guess is that things are different behind closed doors, but that is why her mom gets brought up.

    • Jane Gotshalk says:

      @S J because she is living in her mother’s basement and her mother completely enables her.

  • Anna Grogan says:

    Reported her multiple times. You are right we are failing as a society.

  • starglue says:

    i have a lot of complicated feelings about eugenia, but my number one feeling is a fierce protectiveness of her. i know it’s incredibly parasocial; i don’t know this girl at all aside from what i see online. but i am fiercely protective of her. i suffered with an ed years ago as well, and still siffer with battling those thoughts and slipping back into that mindset. so i know it’s difficult for her.

    she’s especially vulnerable because her presence has been online for so, so, so many years now. without her social media presence, i feel she doesn’t know who she is. and it’s so morbid that i do check in on her about once a month, not to watch her videos or leave a comment, but just to see how she is. i had a dream last night that her parents posted an in memorium video for her, and it shook me to my core.

    eugenia needs love and support, but she needs it in a way that won’t give her positive reinforcement of her ed, and she needs jt in a way that doesn’t trigger her into further regress.

    i hate seeing people trying to armchair diagnose her and her mother. the obly diagnoses we can make about her, outside of speculation, is eugenia’s ed. we can speculate all we want about her family, about her upbringing, but it hurts me for her, to see youtubers gossiping about her, making money off of her.

    i think she, and everyone around her, has simply given up. her 5150 was traumatizing to her. she went to rehab not bc she wanted help, but bc her mother begged. she came back to social media too early, not far enough along in recovery to be able to fight back the influx of relieved commenters that make her ed think she’s failing.

    maybe she is being enabled. but i also think she is being given comfort in her last months.

    and i know how badly it hurts to fight and fight and fight and then just have to resign yourself to the fact that this person you love so deeply would rather die than keep fighting.

    eugenia needs to get off social media, not just for her impressional viewers, but for herself. i think if she had stayed away longer all those years ago, she may have recovered.

    but now i think it’s too late.

    • Emily R says:

      But what about the girls who Eugenia influences, the girls in the discord?

    • FuchsiaQuackus says:

      Eugenia didn’t go to rehab because her mother begged her. Where did you hear that? She went to rehab because her friends (Jaclyn Glen, she postet a Video about it years ago) did 5150 on her. Eugenia’s Mom called Jaclyn a “B!tch” for trying to help and did everything to get her out of Rehab and said on Camera: “I know her my whole life, she is fine and takes good care of herself. She is just a Minni winni”. No matter if she is good or not, she does Enable her own Daughter and they Manipulate/are codependent of eachother.

  • Nkiism says:

    I’m glad you’re saying it, because it needs to be said. Her fans and haters alike are driving her to her grave, with impressionable people wrapped up in ED’s following close behind. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot that can be done. Reporting her on YouTube will have very minimal, if any, consequences. Even if they blocked her account, she can just continue using any other social media account.

    • E Mills says:

      I do think that it will send a message if they deplatform her. It sends a message to other creators, will greatly reduce her reach, and reduce her exposure to harmful social media viewership.

    • Sarah with an H says:

      Reporting her won’t save her she’s not salvageable

  • Miss Moody says:

    A lot of us take this as a “YouTube Failed Eugenia” but she has two parents. I don’t like how people who started watching her at 10-14 feel more of a responsibility to her circumstances than they do wrt to her parents. Eugenia’s friends (Jaclyn Glen) tried to get her in treatment & it may have done something but nothing with longevity, despite their best efforts.

    Outside of just YouTube though- a lot of entertainment mediums love to turn people with mental disorders or illnesses into spectacles- YouTube as a platform rather than a collective of viewers (who can only do so much over a screen) just took her as consistent content & left her to it- they did more to maintain her a viewership that granted her the validation a LOT of people with eating disorders would kill for. “We’re so worried about how thin you are getting” is to *countless* people with eating disorders a MOTIVATING thing to say.

    Ultimately- we as people who may have grown up watching her, or watched her during times when we were struggling with our own EDs, or just tapped in once in a while just to see if she was alive- did not fail her. We were kids. I hope we reserve the smoke we have for ourselves & remember we are not the people that enabled her from day 1 (I’m looking at you Mr & Mrs Eugenia’s parents).

    WE were kids- I’m not prepped to see the level of self blame & guilt countless internet viewers will have when something inevitably happens to Eugenia.

    Ultimately this was a case of *what do you do when you can’t do anything, but you can’t do nothing*

    • Mary says:

      Best comment here ❤

    • Emmy says:

      Definitely. Social media is probably something that keeps her going by giving her something to look forward to or whatever, but the amount of people saying she is so thin or so f@t just to troll her are not helping her at all. I remember like five years ago maybe, she did a video with Shane and she was finally starting to look happy again. Not just like she was gaining healthy weight, but genuinely calm and happy. Does that mean she was? No, but she seemed like she was. It all just sucks. I don’t want us to take away everything she has worked for in her life, but the fact that it has been practically 20 years and she still hasn’t been given the help and life she deserves is heartbreaking. I feel like we are enabling her to be sick even if there is nothing we can really do considering people have been trying for so long. I don’t want people to give up on her though just because it has been a long time and there hasn’t been much health improvement from what we have seen

    • Hazel says:

      its not even the parents not supporting her, its them supporting her ed and straight up saying they do not care and are not worried…

  • Leah Rosenberg says:

    What’s scary is that Abbey is not that much older than her at all and is a beautiful, hardworking mother and career woman. The illness will literally freeze you in time, and many of us who struggle with it want to regress and can successfully do so with ED. Often times it is 100% related to trauma. Not speaking to her situation, just that it’s scary how much time can be lost with the small, helpless body and sometimes mind stuck in child/adolescenthood

    • Rowan S says:

      oh god. im 2 months into recovery and i never thought about it like this. i want to be frozen again so badly, its so hard existing in a body

    • E Mills says:

      Wow. You are right.

    • I lick grandmas says:

      Being a “careerwoman” and having a kid doesn’t mean you’re mentally grown 💀 yes EDs leave you frozen in time but comparing like this does nothing to prove it. My neighbour lived a healthy amazing life, is now 65, never had children and has been a housewife her entire life. These things aren’t indicators of how full someone’s life is.

  • Miss Jo says:

    You tube should be ashamed for allowing her channel to continue. You tube cares about all the viewers she gets nothing more. . I have read from long-time fans that she left YouTube to help her ED, and when she came back to YouTube, she spiraled down again. She should have stayed away from social media so she wouldn’t have to read comments on how well she was doing or how her body looked. Commenting about someone’s body who has an ED are very triggering. The poor girl needs help, but unfortunately, he has to want the help. Hopefully, she can again admit to herself that she has a problem and gets help and stays away from social media when she does.

  • yoitsspooky says:

    Whenever I see her videos I do report it but I don’t think it actually does anything honestly. Because she isn’t technically promoting it, YouTube will not take anything down. Realistically, she is in an environment that validates her disease and the only way for her to get help is to remove her from that environment. Her family is enabling her and as long as they continue to do so, I don’t think there is any way to help her. Unless she somehow miraculously realizes she needs help and gets it herself, the most we can do is not engage. While I do agree that we as a society have some responsibility to help, the blame is ultimately not on us. There is only so much a stranger can realistically do.

  • Mama A says:

    YouTube is at fault here too. I’ve been reporting her for a year at least and her account is still active.

  • AmyOfEarth says:

    Thanks for this call to action – I agree, we have to do something other than gawk.

  • Citrine42 says:

    Ignoring her and reporting her is all we can do, really.

  • Bless your Heart says:

    She isnt breaking TOS y’all. No matter how much you want this sick girl to lose her platform

  • Sammy Sammyson says:

    I just want to mention that “A Trick of the Light” by Lois Metzger is a fantastic book that hopefully can help paint the picture for people who don’t really understand—something I think we all need to do as we witness things like this. It’s a first-person narrative about a highschool boy as he develops an ED.

    Obviously it may be triggering or prompt relapse, so please read with caution, but I recommend it to those who will be okay with its topics.

    (Mild spoilers ensue)

    The narrator isn’t him. It’s the ED. You get to read the thoughts as they speak to him. You really understand the *why* of everything going on. How the voice never goes away. It’s heartbreaking, but just…phenomenal. I read in highschool, so it may be a little more YA than I remember.

    It was soul shattering honestly, but it’s also something that aided me in recovery from disordered eating. I cannot speak for people with eating disorders, of course. Regardless, a great piece that I would highly recommend.

    Serious spoiler for those who don’t want to read it, but want to know what happens:

    The conclusion of the book is recovery, and if my memory serves me well, the author made it very clear that the voice of the ED never leaves. I believe the ending involved something about it waiting for just the right moment for when Mike wanted to listen again. It wasn’t a happy sunshine ending. It was real recovery and cued the long uphill battle for Mike moving forward in his life.

  • M Ryan says:

    EC’s videos just started showing up in my feed and I was mortified for her, reported the channel immediately. What’s scary is how fitness- and nutrition-adjacent her content seems to be in the YouTube algorithms.

  • K. H. says:

    I learnt this from someone else on Youtube; the best thing you can do for someone with an eating disorder is to ignore it. Don’t talk about how little they eat, don’t mention it if they’re eating more, especially don’t comment on their looks.

    Every single comment about the ED is ammunition for it.

    • Sarah with an H says:

      I think the real lesson for people is compassion is key. Everyone’s reaction to Eugenia is about themselves including Abbey’s reporting her won’t do anything since Eugenia existing is not even breaking the platforms rules. So a call of action to Jaren your way through this is actually very mean. Eugenia is dying in a very tragic way and being a Karen towards her at this time isn’t a solution to a problem that has no solutions

  • Kelli Trevino says:

    Holy s***! I had no idea who this woman was until notification from your channel popped up. My daughter is in her 20s and had to be resuscitated due to ED complications earlier this year. This hurts my heart!

  • nope says:

    apparently she has a mandatory meeting with a crisis counselor on Thursday because so many people reported her. hopefully she gets 5150’d again and this time actually recovers

    • JaneSays says:

      Really? That’s great to hear, but I’m wondering where the source of this information is from? I honestly doubt that a social worker/ crisis counseler would divulge this information, unless someone hacked into a database to get a record that wasn’t supposed to be public ally available.

    • Sarah with an H says:

      That’s horrible this girl is dying and here people are wanting her to be tortured even more before she dies. Eugenia is not salvageable weight gain will lead to her heart stopping because her whole body has atrophied beyond saving. Give the girl some peace and have compassion

  • Brooks Brother Doodles says:

    The only thing that might really help is complete disengagement and demonetization. Other recovering anorexics have said that the negative comments are probably even more reinforcing. All the comments telling her she is on death’s door and looks awful feed the eating disorder and is confirmation of her “success.”

  • Aniqua _ says:

    YES. ED’s are EXTREMELY competitive, so even though she’s not verbally promoting anything, her existence on the internet in this state is very dangerous for other people as well as herself, because she’ll get some sort of satisfaction with people calling her thin. Having an ED makes you literally delusional, and no matter what anyone else does, you will overanalyze it to reflect how you determine your own self worth. I feel so bad for this woman and hope she gets off the internet.

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