Is Walking NOT LEGIT EXERCISE?! (Dietitian Fact Checks Weight Loss Mistakes)

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Hey everyone, I’m Abbey Sharp welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. In today's video, we will be talking about the latest online debate on whether walking is an effective weight loss strategy. Fitness influencer Chalene Johnson believes it can be, and she’s broken down 6 of the top mistakes people commonly make so we’re going to unpack these so called 'mistakes' and talk about what research says on walking for weight loss.

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4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • @AbbeysKitchen says:

    Try Rocket Money for free: #RocketMoney #personalfinance

  • @liberallioness4335 says:

    I love walking it’s my favorite form of exercise I never have a day I don’t want to walk and it helped me lose over 60lbs 🙏💯♥️ Never gonna quit☺️

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      Amazing!! One of my fave forms of exercise too

    • @babygirl4949 says:

      Me too I can be dead tired and don’t want to do anything else but I get up and walk for 30 min to an hr without any effort

    • @karlamarx5954 says:

      @@liberallioness4335 same. I could easily take public transport…but i choose to walk…its imperative to my mental health.

  • @Imbatmn57 says:

    There was one guy on a tlc show, to loose weight he would walk until he couldn’t anymore,then call his dad to pick him up, he kept doing this, going farther and farther, increasing his stamina. He even started walking in marathons, he did that in addition to cutting calories. Its a struggle to loose the weight once you get it,but saying walking doesn’t count is very limiting for people who cant do more or cant do more yet. Water aerobics is excersizing because you’re moving your body against all that water, while saving your joints.

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      what show is this?!

    • @Imbatmn57 says:

      ​​​@@AbbeysKitchen his name is casey king and i didn’t watch the show he was on, just watched interviews on YouTube where he talked about his life after getting the stomach surgery that the tlc show paid for. Oompaville is the channel he was interviewed on.

    • @Bay4G says:

      @@Imbatmn57 I think he was from My 3000 lbs Family. Love that guy! It’s absolutely crazy how far he has come. His story made me push myself to lose my 50lbs.
      He has been at an unhealthy weight his entire life. People often don’t realize how much harder it is to change habits and behaviors that’s been with them since they were young. Casey is a champ to overcome that.

    • @VKat says:

      Wow that’s a cool thing that he kept walking further and further! It’s definitely a form of exercise indeed. But btw it’s spelled “lose” weight not “loose” weight. Sorry I can’t help correcting spelling mistakes!

    • @ggjr61 says:

      @@VKatespecially this word! For some reason this mistake has become ubiquitous.

  • @CyanHope says:

    I started five days ago to go on a walk daily, intentional walking not going out with the dog or running errands, and do 10.000 steps daily and honestly it’s helping not only with my weight but also mentally

  • @FriskyTendervittles says:

    Paul Revelia completely changed my mind about walking. I feel like he gave me a permission slip to not kill my self with exercise. I recommend his channel for anyone who is looking for a less black and white view on exercise

    • @vchafab says:

      Same! I’m so happy I randomly found one of his videos on youtube. I copied one of his challenges and did an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening at 4% at 3mph and I lost 36 lbs in 2 months. This was with eating not so well. Next will be working on eating better now that I feel so much better.

  • @Ashweee223 says:

    Walking is great exercise. It won’t make you buff, but it’ll keep you healthy and can absolutely help you lose weight. I’ve lost and maintained a 50+ lb weight loss with walking and healthy eating. All movement is good movement.

  • @alliemay6076 says:

    I love walking. I don’t even care about the impacts on my physical health, I need it for my mental health! And it’s something I enjoy doing with family and friends 😊

    • @cristalleslie6311 says:

      Yes it does wonders for my mental health. It’s my personal time to myself.

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      Best way to clear your head

    • @linzyjensen7271 says:

      Same here. I intentionally walk 20 minutes instead of taking the shuttle to and from work to help me prepare for and recover from my work day. It is my time. I wouldn’t care about loosing a single pound from it, it just makes me feel better

    • @catherinecunningham7126 says:

      Great video, Abbey!
      I love walking for exercise. I used to walk outside when I lived in Oregon but now I’m in the middle of nowhere Arkansas where we probably have my bears, venomous snakes, bobcats etc. in our area than people so I now walk on my treadmill. I used to walk 2-8 miles outside but so far 2 miles on the treadmill is it so far. I also do Pilates for core and a higher protein diet (not Keto), just watch my calories 1200-1500 a day and I can really shed pounds. The mental health alone is worth it.
      My husband has diabetes and we can control his blood sugar by diet and him walking on the treadmill for at least 15 min. a day. At one point his blood sugar was 550. 😳 Now he gets upset if his blood sugar goes over 100.

    • @Frostysleet says:

      Same here!

  • @Kirsten_is_cursed10 says:

    Travel anywhere in the world where walkability is prioritized over cars, and you will see healthy, fit people of all ages walking everywhere, living longer, and living in healthier bodies. North America is so car-centric we’ve forgotten that walking is a basic part of human existence. We’re supposed to be walking all through the day!

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      such a good point!

    • @katelijnesommen says:

      Very true, although in western Europe for instance people are getting heavier in general – and we do walk a lot, but I think our changing diet is a bigger part of the problem. You do also see more and more (young) people walking less and zipping around on electric steps and such. That also won’t help, but I think the biggest culprit is our food. The highly processed stuff just wasn’t around when I was a kid. For now our weight numbers are still better than f.i. the US, but the trend isn’t great. More and more kids are obese and 30% of adults are overweight. I hope we can turn this around again.

    • @ahuman5772 says:

      Some of it is also culture (not just infrastructure). I find australia super walkable (I don’t own a car and regularly walk for fun) but a lot of my friends would ask me why I don’t take the bus or train instead of walking 20 minutes from school. It wouldn’t have saved me any time! Invited my friends to my house and they were puffed out half way there. We were walking slightly uphill, that’s all. They lived close to their homes as well, I would’ve walked if I were them! They took the bus!

      As an adult it’s the same issue, one guy from my class (an australian) lived 20 minute walk away from campus and yet would drive in… meanwhile a russian student (from the same class) would walk 1 hr home although they lived on a free bus route.

      I do wonder how we can fix the culture and encourage people walking. My partner is an australian and isn’t afraid to walk, but unfortunately too many here view anything more than 10 mins an unreasonable distance.

  • @KarenWilsonOnline says:

    Walking is the best I do it every day! Trackers are not 100% but I think a number to shoot for is good. We all need those non-scale victories to keep us going, and sometimes distance and strength are the motivators.Great video thank you 💫

  • @sarahnuovo2389 says:

    How am I just now learning that 10k steps was all marketing?!? I’ve believed this my entire life (I’m 30) Wow. Thank you for your work ❤

    • @curiousduck5652 says:

      It’s way too many for me, anyway, working from home I hardly get any unless I intentionally go out of my way to walk

    • @renaereps says:

      @@curiousduck5652get a standing desk. I have an office job and WFH a lot too.. I have a standing desk at work, but at home I stand at my kitchen counter and walk in place as I work. No walking pad needed and I can get 15-17k without even thinking about it. I usually get over 20k when adding in walking the dog and other daily activities.

    • @vtheory7531 says:

      If you’re interested in learning more about the history of 10K steps, I recommend the Maintenance Phase podcast episode on it!

    • @nesh8906 says:

      Honestly, so what if it is? IMHO, getting people moving is always a good thing, no matter what.

    • @sarahnuovo2389 says:

      @@nesh8906 I understand where you are coming from and obviously of the lies that come from the diet industry this is not the worst offender. But people deserve to make their health choices on science.

  • @AnrupB says:

    THANK YOU! It’s been so peeving me off! Walking is great and a friend used just walking for weight loss and some light weights at home when she got stronger. Some of the happiest and healthiest cities and countries rely on walking for exercise too!

  • @KatMTeach says:

    When she said “adding a weighted vest” I laughed because I’m listening to this while I walk around the house with my baby in the carrier 😆

  • @vtheory7531 says:

    I see exercise in terms of my energy level and purpose – if my energy levels are low and I only feel like walking today, then walking is my exercise. If I’m super busy and only had time to do chores around the house, then cleaning the house is my exercise for that day. Any movement is good movement.

    • @Diana-qp2rw says:

      Yes and no, house chores can actually be detrimental to your health. Many of the movements you make while cleaning are not very good for you, some even bad. Then again, it’s something that needs to be done and if you get in healthy movement like walking, running, and strength training, there’s probably nothing to worry about.
      I’m just saying this because I’ve heard people wonder why all the cleaning and/or physical work they did in their younger years didn’t help recent problems they have now when I’m fact those problems were likely caused by that.

  • @Lucialucie says:

    19 thousand steps is insane. For years, I used to walk that much and now, at 38, my feet are bust. I can’t do more than 3 miles without pain. Overuse injuries are a real thing.

    • @lilyw72 says:

      Same! I hiked/walked/ran 8-10 miles a day for six years until I broke. I was totally hobbled and had to stop. Now I max out at around 3.

  • @sh0eh0rn4 says:

    oh dang…I forgot about Chalene Johnson. I used to do Turbo Jam back in the day.

  • @kootieblondie says:

    I don’t live in the nicest area so walking outside around my block is not always an option, especially as a female. However, I recently got an under desk walking pad and it’s been so helpful for my mental health and it’s a way to get me moving! Or else I sit at my desk for hourrss!

  • @sonjafiore7584 says:

    It helps my mental health (me time), lowers my stress levels (cortisol), contributes to calorie deficit (ok to have the cookie)….but most of all its outside! You’re in tune with nature and that alone is fantastic for the soul❤

  • @theeworldatlargee says:

    Thank you for bringing up that not everyone has the ability to have a gym membership or enough space for a gym in their house. I’ve been feeling bad because people are saying walking/running is bad but it’s the only thing I can do

  • @Oddishhly says:

    Cozy cardio helped me lose 40 lbs and keep it off for years. Leslie Sandstone’s 30 minute walking workout with the pink shoes, I can do it in front of a fan in my living room or with a couple modifications in my bedroom if my kids are using living room. You can add ankle or arm weights or a ruck sack, but I have a chronic illness and usually do it without weights. Having something I can do even on my lowest energy days, makes it endlessly valuable to me.

    • @microbios8586 says:

      I just bought a treadmill and do the same. I have a fan blow on me. It’s delightful. I wish I had bought one years ago. Walking is the easiest way to stay in shape and burn calories.

  • @kerry1473 says:

    Walking is incredible for weight loss! During 2020 when my life was in shambles, walking was the only thing that kept my anxiety and depression from consuming me alive. I didn’t even know at that point how beneficial it was for my emotional and mental health just that it was the only thing each day that eased the anguish in my mind and heart. It also helped me along with a balanced diet to shed 40 pounds in 6 months and feel better about myself physically as well. Whatever exercise works well for someone is wellness in itself, but walking has always been a step in the right direction for me!

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