Naturally Boosting AMPK with Exercise for Life Extension

AMPK is said to serve as a “mitochondrial guardian.” Thanks to AMPK, working out may magnify your mitochondria, as well as your muscles.

This is the second video in a five-part series. If you missed the first one, see Naturally Boosting AMPK with Caloric Restriction for Life Extension ( ).

Stay tuned for:
• Does Metformin Work as a Life-Extension Drug? ( )
• Side Effects of Metformin as a Life-Extension Drug ( )
• The TAME Trial: Targeting Aging with Metformin ( )

AMPK is one of the anti-aging pathways I highlight in my longevity book, How Not to Age ( ), available in print, e-book, and audio. (All proceeds I receive from the book are donated directly to charity.)

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @dpwright32 says:

    First comment for my hero’s channel! Well that’s a little over the top

  • @doloreswinsbarrow1110 says:

    Thanks for sharing 👍

  • @walterbyrd8380 says:

    What about berberine?

    • @eelkeaptroot1393 says:

      I found at least one meta-analyses that concluded berberine was about as effective for diabetes as metformine from.what I recall in an even lower dose, but not sure If the described here would also transfer just as well

    • @levansegnaro4637 says:

      Berberine is fat soluble, disolve it in olive oil and if you want turn it into a nano emulsion by adding water and lecithin then blending it. Cool studies on liposomal Berberine against cancer if you search on google.

    • @SilkRoad-ew9kx says:

      Maybe you can tell the name of the study that you read?

  • @naftalibendavid says:

    Pays off!

  • @nazokashii says:

    thank you so much <3

  • @CleanMachineOnline says:

    “Metformin may negatively impact muscle growth and strength gains from resistance training. One study found that healthy volunteers who took metformin while doing resistance training for 14 weeks had smaller gains in muscle mass and quality than those who took a placebo. The study suggests that metformin may inhibit the mTORC1 pathway, which is a key regulator of muscle growth. Higher doses of metformin can also be dangerous, potentially leading to lactic acid poisoning and renal failure.”

    • @superfinevids says:

      Metformin is a mitochondrial inhibitor which makes you wonder why they keep prescribing it for people who have diabetes who probably are also inhibiting their mitochondria due to that disease

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    This is the second video in a five-part series. If you missed the first one, see Naturally Boosting AMPK with Caloric Restriction for Life Extension:

  • @mu999 says:

    Хорошее видео интересная информация.
    Одно но, метформин для меня отрава.

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