Nutrition Truths That Will Make Influencers MAD (They don’t want you to know)


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4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Beth S says:

    My money is on the canola oil fact being the most offensive 😂

    • Robbo says:

      Cold pressed canola maybe, but hot pressed oil with the hexane solvent to get as much out of the seeds as possible might be more common

  • Jeebus McFries says:

    Can we have one about unpasteurized dairy?

    • OPPA WON'T MARRY YOU says:

      And dairy in general. It’s so demonized it’s crazy. I’ve been loving dairy my whole life but I haven’t died yet which, by many people’s opinion, I should’ve already considering how much of it I consume. And my blood results are excellet.

    • J G says:

      Do you mean raw dairy? Cus she’s talked about that before.

    • kelson63100 says:

      @OPPA WON’T MARRY YOUyou are so right. I get so confused/flustered about what’s good for me and what isn’t, that I think I actually get stressed about it.

    • Crowned Lily says:

      @OPPA WON’T MARRY YOU while I cut out dairy and my periods went from my cramps killing me each month to almost no cramps at all.

    • Cath Walsh says:

      @OPPA WON’T MARRY YOUwhen I got to puberty cows milk gave me blotchy skin and spots. After a course of antibiotics sheep’s and goats milk gave me gout, terrible guts and red, sore, blotchy skin.

      I wish I could eat cheese and yoghurt again.

  • Jakob Raahauge says:

    The fact that canola is good is definitely what’ll ruffle most feathers 😂

  • BoDexa says:

    The under weight/ over weight because fat phobia runs so deeply being fat is viewed as worse than being an mean person.

    • gur says:

      As if anyone really ever questioned that starving to death is bad for you. I met some people with anorexia and it sucks, but being overfat and not just by a little, is a far more widespread issue. I don’t think it’s seen as worse than being mean. I don’t really get why you connect the two.

    • luiysia says:

      @gurbeing underweight doesn’t always mean anorexia nervosa. being underweight is a huge problem from old people bc their appetite goes down. then they lose a ton of weight, get super tiny, and their bone density is super low and they can easily slip, break a bone, and die without anyone noticing. it’s also a risk for illnesses because many illnesses cause you to lose weight. that’s why slightly overweight people have longer lifespans

    • M says:

      @BoDexa​​⁠Underweight people can receive mean comments too, you’ve never heard of the “skin and bones” insult? Skeleton comparisons? People can be made fun of at any size, stop saying fat people have it worse.

  • Cacao_ says:

    Probably the canola oil one since people love excluding others to feel/be special but hate being accused of discrimination lol

  • Natalia S says:

    I don’t get why canola oil is so demonized 💀

    • Mushy says:

      This mostly started with those alpha beta gamma men and their carnivore diet crap btw. They were the ones mainly arguing against plant and seed oils

  • Warren says:

    And how many people actually die from being overweight vs underweight yearly? Would love to see that nutrition facts wellness influencers don’t want you to know 😂

  • Stella Evens says:

    This is why I keep telling people (in proper context conversations) that good health and fitness isn’t expensive or complicated.
    Greedy people just make it seem that way so they can make more money off less educated people.

  • Kate S says:

    you should do a deep dive into seed oils

  • Darsh Kaur says:

    When my mom was diagnosed with heart disease, they told her to use Canola Oil 😅

  • Lenora Avery says:

    Please talk more about oils – I’m so confused!

    • Scott says:

      Ignore her. She’s wrong. Do not use seed oils. Use Avocado, Olive, butter, ghee, tallow as cooking oil. P

    • Miss Jo says:

      ​@Scottsays the one who is not a registered Dietician.

    • SeedSaverDiane says:

      My blood work numbers were getting very close to being dangerous and I have heart disease. I’m not a dietician but proof that eliminating inflammatory oils, including canola sufficiently lowered my blood work in one year’s time to healthy numbers

  • MB 28 says:

    Would love to see whatever study or statistic you’re talking about saying you’re twice as likely to die of being underweight. Are we talking about babies? Elderly? People starving in third world countries? Who is dying of being underweight in America besides people who have severe eating disorders?

    • M says:

      I’m sure there are just as many if not more studies that say the exact opposite, since Abbey always cherry picks studies to suit her agenda!

    • Sara R. says:

      I mean, this stat makes sense? The morbidly obese and the severe ED patient would be “equal” on the scale of over/under comparison, while the person with high metabolism and the person who can’t quite lose enough to feel confident in a bikini would be “equivalent”.

      By those standards, “underweight” is wayyyyy more dangerous than “overweight”. A severe ED kills faster than morbid obesity. (Morbid obesity still will kill, but slightly slower on average).

      Obviously, being a healthy weight is best.

  • Ali D says:

    But it’s a lot easier to be overweight than underweight

    • izahalik says:

      I was thinking this exactly. As horrible as it is restricting yourself to the point you’re being severely malnourished takes a lot. Stuffing your face to the point you’re obease is not…
      Also I would love to see where she got those studies from and where they based- I highly doubt that it comes from US only…

  • H Rodriguez says:

    Already knew 2 of these truths my ED nutrionist! I love learning the truth and seeing how misinformed we are

  • Amelia Morningstar says:

    loved this! Keep cutting the fitfluencer BS

  • ccbaran says:

    I’d love to hear more about the increased risk of being underweight! Twice as !likely?

  • Vermillionsweets says:

    Seed oils are bad.

  • তোমার বড় দাদা says:

    Love the work that you’re doing to promote knowledge and common sense in online diet culture 💙 thank you

  • Malka B Lowy says:

    More about dairy milk!! It’s beyond me as to why we don’t see anyone on the internet drinking it. Only alternatives, like what, why

  • haiz says:

    You are a gift ❤

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