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Protein Packed Vegan Meals That Actually Taste GOOD | What I Eat In A Day To Build Muscle




If you're new to this channel, I'm Derek Simnett. I'm a holistic nutritionist and I've been vegan over 15 years! I love to help inspire others to take control of their life, that's why I do what I do. Eating plant based meals is amazing for our health, planet and of course the animals. You can get more than enough protein to build muscle, tons of energy to do the things you love, and all the flavours and colours to make the most delicious meals you could ever imagine! Check out my hundreds of other videos if you liked this one.



I'm Derek Simnett, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner.
I love calisthenics and making good food!
Check out my 2 year transformation:


Leroy Johnson

  • @melrox8809 says:

    What I eat in a days are the best yours have such delicious food.

  • @giovannitertulli says:

    Amazing, never get tired of your videos

  • @nellya3613 says:

    Of all the content creators I watch, I have never come across someone that combines nutrition and fitness like do you, like an awesome dose of motivation. Please know that what you do is highly appreciated and keep on keeping on ❤

    • @Simnettnutrition says:

      Thanks so much! Just sharing my passions and what I love!

    • @br-cr8dd says:

      Yes!! I agree!! Soo motivational, love your content. It is so positive and encouraging, and within reach. Keep up the great work, Derek!!

    • @angelbarron2556 says:

      I’m not into fitness at all but recently started cooking , Im not used to eating many veggies either. Seeing your videos and the way you plate food is very cool. Such a great vibe and always teaching us new things .

  • @LeeAnnahsCreations says:

    9:32 – You can also use Tapioca Starch, Oat Flour, or Wheat Flour to thicken the sauce/broth.

    • @Simnettnutrition says:

      Yes yes, definitely more options. I often use arrowroot powder but sometimes it makes it gloupy. I’ll try your suggestions.

    • @kerry8461 says:

      I’ve been freezing coconut milk in ice cube trays for thickening/enriching soups and curries. Also use an immersion blender for that.

  • @seanfromaustin says:

    Sundays wouldn’t be the same without a dose of positivity from Derek. Thanks, man!

  • @sandrabraga7269 says:

    Derek riding his bike and thinking of / craving curry is a mood 😆❤️

    • @Simnettnutrition says:

      Hahah I thought that part was funny! Glad you liked it too. My bike rides are half looking for cats, half thinking of what I am going to eat when I get home.

  • @MarkDurbin says:

    I like seeing the macros for each meal, have you thought of adding Fibre as one of them? I feel that we don’t talk about it enough. Thanks for the video 🙂

    • @Simnettnutrition says:

      No, but I’ll take it! What a handsome man. Haha, maybe I should grow a viking beard!

    • @CastledarkDweller27 says:

      @@Simnettnutritionmate, did u get the questions confused with the compliments?? Your reply sounds like it was written for some Viking compliment, when this guys question was about fibre?!🙃😖🤪

  • @jerrilynhenson9024 says:

    In March I’ll have been a strict vegan for 35 years. ❤❤ good on what you do.

  • @theroncooley5879 says:

    I have never commented on your channel before, but I wanted you to know that it’s one of my favorites. I am likely old enough to be your grandfather, and I love your content because we older guys need more protein. I am a nutritionist as well but I’m always looking for inspiration from others.

  • @aestiarte96 says:

    I’ve been following you for almost 7 years now, you are such an inspiration Derek! Your videos were one of the reasons why I decided to stop eating meat, all your meals just look amazing, your content is just lit! Greetings from Barcelona 🎉

  • @dyanneall8921 says:

    You make the meal planning look so easy!!! Thanks for all the tips

  • @GenesisSpeaks says:

    Sometimes I wish Derek ate 20x a day so i can see him cook and try food for longer 😭

    Great video ! Love the macro addition

  • @marzettik says:

    I always show my friends yoyr videos when they say you can’t be vegan long term or build muscle. I’m like, look at this dude!

  • @AmroNaddy says:

    Always makes my day to see a new Derek video!

  • @petrawhitmore4751 says:

    Your videos are getting better and better. The way you put it together, the different angles of footage, I know it must be a bit of work. It’s great to watch. ❤

  • @erica.danielle1538 says:

    I am about 2 weeks into my vegan journey. I’m a CrossFitter/weightlifter and play basketball and soccer regularly. I have been doing a lot of learning and unlearning and your channel has been integral to my success! Looking forward to a life time of whole food plant based goodness!

  • @melvingabriel1265 says:

    You always amaze me I’ve being vegar for 4 year’s and since I’ve being following your recipes it’s made my journey so enjoyable love the smoothly this will be my menu for a few days🤗

  • @colehelman9138 says:

    I love your positivity and your style (and your love for the Rav 4, trust me I get it 😁) thanks for being a refuge for positive thinking, nutrition, and health motivation. I think one of the most righteous things we can do is take care of our bodies and be strong and health. Much love from CO!

  • @LenaChandika says:

    Like Food Diarys the most, it is the best format! Thank you for the macros, it is even better with macros so I can learn more!❤

  • @benjaming9912 says:

    fitness, food, nature and cats… I love this channel

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