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Simple, REAL, and SPECIFIC Weight Loss & Nutrition Tips (When You Don’t Want Another Strict “Diet”)

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Hey everyone I’m Abbey Sharp welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. Today I'm following up on the heels of my super popular No BS Weight Loss Tip video with a brand new compilation of super actionable strategic hacks to support your health.



1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
5) Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and ring the little bell so you never miss out!



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Anorexia & Restrictive Dieting Freedom E-Course
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Some important links:
My book, The Mindful Glow Cookbook affiliate link: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The best baby feeding & eating gear (amazon #affiliate​​​​​​​​​​​​​) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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My favourite kitchen appliances and tools (amazon #affiliate​​​​​​​​​​​​​) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My favourite healthy snacks (amazon #affiliate​​​​​​​​​​​​​) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My favourite healthy breakfast foods (amazon #affiliate​​​​​​​​​​​​​) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My favourite intuitive eating books (amazon #affiliate​​​​​​​​​​​​​)
My favourite healthy meal ideas and snacks (amazon #affiliate​​​​​​​​​​​​​) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Check out my blog for healthy recipes, parenting tips and tricks and busting nutrition myths and diets: www.abbeyskitchen.com

If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • @AbbeysKitchen says:

    Thanks again to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to http://DrinkLMNT.com/ABBEYSHARP to get your free sample pack with any purchase.

  • @ruchi750 says:

    Where I live mushrooms are very expensive, but I stretch my ground meat with shredded carrots! I shred them in the food processor so the carrots bits are very similar to the meat bits, and are basically unnoticeable in the sauce

  • @lucilasandoval3084 says:

    One thing that has really worked for me is to make the same salad always. I’m not a salad person and before this I would struggle to add fresh greens to my meals, so know I just do fresh spinach, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, lime juice and salt, it’s literally the simplest base but that way I can add stuff along that I have on hand (avocado, crisp quinoa, cucumber, etc) and I don’t have to figure out a whole different salad. It’s somewhat automatic now and that means that a third of my meal will be greens.

  • @haleys823 says:

    Thank you for another amazing video, Abbey! 💙 I am a recovering “clean” eater/obsessive ingredient scrutinizer. Love your balanced approach to nutrition and how you don’t use absolutes such as good or bad to describe foods. I am slowly learning to give myself grace thanks to your content.

  • @Winterliebende says:

    Getting a hobby you like doing is super helpful. For me (at home) it’s drawing watercolor, making bracelets or making my own (brirthday) cards for my friends etc

  • @andrearice3862 says:

    This type of eating style, no fat, high carb plant based diet, STARTED my eating disorder. I became malnourished, lost hair, very low ferritin levels, and suffered depression. I’m glad I turned it around. Abby helped me out so much. ❤

    • @AbbeysKitchen says:

      im so happy to hear!!

    • @catz4m8z says:

      Weirdly (very low) fat, high carb plant based is totally working for me! Lost tons of weight, feel amazing and can def see this as a lifetime thing. I can eat anything from 50-80g of fibre a day! I def wouldnt reccomend it for everyone though. Some people cant take that much fibre and you have to find the healthy eating style that works for you.

  • @leahainscough8794 says:

    Seeing your doggie in the background was just so wonderful 😍 and the other content was great, too

  • @WalkToLoseIt says:

    The best thing about dieting is you can make great tasting food and it doesn’t have to break the bank. I’m down to 438 from 508 pounds, still have a long way to go but I feel much better each day.

  • @audreybringgold6217 says:

    Fruit! I had an aha moment recently and realized that I wasn’t eating fruit. I realized that I internalized some of the messages that fruit are too high carb and not good for you. I was actually watching Dr. Mike take Dr. Gundry to task for his villainizing of fruit when i realized what i had been unconsciously doing. When you consider how many servings of fruits and vegetables we are supposed to have in a day, how could you realistically do that with only vegetables? I’m not in the mood for broccoli at breakfast even though i love broccoli. So intentionally buying snacky fruit like oranges and apples has been a game changer for me for getting more servings of fruits and veg.

  • @JanissGoddess says:

    Back when I ate chips and packaged snacks more frequently, I actually opened the bag as soon as I got it home and divided it into single serving baggies and put the baggies back in the big bag. That really helped with portion control

    • @mariajosefinamontes4999 says:

      Never thought of that. I have adhd and as long as I keep it hidden I wont binge. But there are times when I just grab it and binge. Never thought of doing this. Thanks for the tip.

    • @lunaraynwolf7036 says:

      This is a GREAT idea!

    • @catz4m8z says:

      Are you in the US? I had heard that you dont have mini chip packets! In the UK you can commonly buy multipacks of 6 or 10 small bags. I have a stash of 50-100cal chips in for when I fancy one.

    • @lunaraynwolf7036 says:

      @@catz4m8z we have mini chip packets in the US

  • @maryconnor6173 says:

    There’s new research claiming peanuts, almonds etc are not as fattening as we thought. Interested to hear Abby’s thoughts on this research.

  • @sohinidutta97 says:

    regarding the buying shelled nuts thing: it doesn’t work for everyone. Both me and my mum over eat shelled nuts because the deshelling process is so satisfying, kinda like how people find it hard to stop crocheting and knitting. it’s almost therapeutic. so yeah know yourself ig 😬

  • @LatulaArts says:

    I’ve been using pureed cauliflower to thicken soups and stews since my fiance seems to be able to taste beans in anything and he hates them. Adding various pureed squash helps too! And using sweet potato! Adding purreed carrots, beets, celery, and zucchini into my tomato sauce works wonders as well.

    I’ve been trying to get better about what I’m eating by using a lot of the tricks people use for picky kids. Being on the autism spectrum, i have a lot of texture issues with many vegetables, so being able to puree them into sauces, soups, and baked goods has been such a great decision for me. I’ve also been doing meal prep more consistently now, usually 2-3 veg premade per week, 1 carb, and 2-3 meats, alongside having other snacks like raw carrots, string cheese, granola bars, olives, jello, nuts, etc. though I weigh out my servings of nuts so i don’t over eat since the only nuts i like are cashews lol. Still struggling to lose weight unfortunately 🙁 even on contrave and tracking calories

  • @emilyk4821 says:

    I’ve maintained my 60 pound down mark for a few months now ☺️ I gained a lot of weight in very short periods of time as a teenager from being on certain medications. Shitty mental health, emotional abuse, and disordered eating habits being pushed from family made the weight gain even worse despite my desperate efforts.

    Moving out of my family’s house and getting properly diagnosed and medicated for ADHD is really what made the difference. The last year or two of college I completely gave up on weight loss. I gained even more at for a while, but then I started focusing on other things that actually made a difference. Treating my mental health and having a more holistic focus made the weight loss an almost unintended consequence.

    • @msuchowski says:

      Hi! Question for you, did you find the ADHD medication helped with motivation and consistency? 😀

    • @sooyoungfanclub says:

      @@msuchowskiI’m not OP but it did for me!! But it took time for my old habits stemming from inconsistency and pendulum swings between unmotivated and super motivated to go away, and be replaced with better habits that I worked on slowly but surely!

  • @Matt-uv2yg says:

    This lighting is FANTASTIC

  • @chloecortez9679 says:


  • @ravennarose1692 says:

    I love your channel. I have struggled with weight since college and have had to repair my relationship with food. Your channel is so informative and explains the concepts so we can all understand it. I’m a ‘why” person so I need to know why I’m doing what I’m doing. It’s been so much easier to add more whole foods to my diet because I watch you prep meals and they look so good!! Thank you.

  • @britt905 says:

    I already do that white bean tip! For anyone who doesn’t like beans: you wouldn’t know they’re there. Make a super flavourful soup (I did roasted butternut squash with lots of onion and garlic) and let the beans simmer in the broth to soften nicely with the veggies before blending. So good.

  • @norafeher8260 says:

    Hi Abbey, I just wanted to say a quick thank you. 🙂 You helped me tremendously in healing my relationship with food. Ever since Ive started watching your content, I can’t even imagine leaving piles of fresh veggies off most of my plates, and keeping tons of fresh fruit in the house. At the same time, I never feel guilty about regular bread for carbs or dessert or the occasional junk food. Thank you! 🙂

  • @mariaelhage6033 says:

    I’m middle eastern & seeing hummus and zaatar in this video makes me happy. <3 love this video!

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