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Tag Archives for " dr michael greger "

How Much Licorice Is Safe?

Eating licorice or drinking licorice tea can cause the loss of body fat by blocking the effects of a stress hormone, but at what cost? I’m so glad I was finally able to publish this. It was removed from How Not to Diet due to space considerations, but I always found this topic so fascinating. […]

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Friday Favorites: Is Sorghum a Healthy Grain?

How does sorghum compare with other grains in terms of protein, antioxidants, and micronutrients? What are the benefits of red sorghum compared to black and white varieties? Check out The Health Benefits of Sorghum ( ). Should we all be seeking gluten-free grains? See: • Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? ( ) • Gluten-Free Diets: Separating […]

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Is Longevity Genetic?

Based on a study of thousands of twin pairs, only about 25 percent of the difference in lifespan among people is genetically determined. Stay tuned for the next video APOE—The Single Most Important Gene for Longevity ( ). My new book, How Not to Age ( ), is all about aging and longevity, and you […]

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