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Soy Milk for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms

Soy foods may explain why Japanese-American women not only have the lowest rates of hot flashes in the United States but also have the lowest rates of vaginal dryness. This is the third and final video in this series on vaginal menopause symptoms. The first two were The Best Moisturizers and Lubricants for Vaginal Menopause […]

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The Best Food For High Cholesterol

Are the apparently amazing benefits of amla—dried indian gooseberries—too good to be true? New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: Support NutritionFacts.org with a donation at . So excited to get back to this after all these years. Here’s the original series, which gives tips on how to find […]

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The Best Diet for Diabetes

The case for using a plant-based diet to reduce the burden of diabetes has never been stronger. New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: If all a plant-based diet could do is prevent and reverse the number one killer of men and women (heart disease), shouldn’t it be the […]

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