One of the few food contaminants found at higher levels in those eating plant-based diets are mycotoxins, fungal toxins in moldy foods, such as oats. Most food crops are contaminated with fungal mycotoxins, but some are worse than others. This is the first and second videos in a four-part series on mold toxins. The other […]
Continue readingThe official exercise recommendations are a “trade-off between optimizing health outcomes and minimizing requirements for individuals,” but what does the science say is best? This is the first video in a four-part series. Stay tuned for Exercise Is Medicine ( ), Does Exercise Extend Your Lifespan or Just Your Healthspan? ( ), and How Much […]
Continue readingFive massive new trials have been published recently, randomizing tens of thousands to various formulations of fish oil supplements versus placebo. For more on fish oil, see: • PCBs in Children’s Fish Oil Supplements ( ) • Omega-3s and the Eskimo Fish Tale ( ) • Omega 3s, Prostate Cancer, and Atrial Fibrillation ( ) […]
Continue readingCaloric restriction can boost levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is considered to play a critical role in mood disorders. Check out the follow-up video: How to Boost Brain BDNF Levels for Depression Treatment ( ). I did a webinar series on fasting. You can find the whole bundle here in a digital download […]
Continue readingBlue-green algae, chlorella, and spirulina are all advertised as being beneficial, but they could be harmful because they are often contaminated with algal toxins. This is the third in a three-video series. If you missed the previous videos, check out Toxins in Blue-Green Algae, Like Klamath Lake AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) ( -flos-aquae) and The Benefits […]
Continue readingI explain why I no longer consume chlorella. Though it has been marketed for “detoxification,” it can be contaminated with toxin-producing algae and end up exceeding safety limits. This is the second in a three-video series. If you missed the previous video, check out Toxins in Blue-Green Algae, Like Klamath Lake AFA, (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) ( […]
Continue readingAfter drinking two cups of water, the adrenal hormone noradrenaline can surge in your bloodstream, as if you just smoked a few cigarettes or had a few cups of coffee. The video I mentioned is The New Calories per Pound of Weight Loss Rule ( ). If you missed my previous video, see The Effect […]
Continue readingWhy do I recommend staying away from Blue-Green Algae? This is the first in a three-video series. Stay tuned for The Benefits and Dangers of Chlorella ( ) and The Benefits and Side Effects of Spirulina ( ). For more on DHA supplements, check out: • Should Vegans Take DHA to Preserve Brain Function? ( […]
Continue readingCurrently, there are more than 30 FDA-approved testosterone products for men, but none for women. Are there any natural ways for women to raise their testosterone levels? I mentioned my Music as Medicine ( ) video. Check out these other videos on menopause: • Hormone Treatment (Estrogen Pills and Creams) for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( […]
Continue readingIf the nitrites in foods like ham and bacon cause lung damage, what about “uncured” meat with “no nitrites added”? Yes, it’s a known carcinogen, but How Much Cancer Does Lunch Meat Cause? ( ). I have many videos on both nitrites ( ) and nitrates ( ). I know it can be confusing, so […]
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