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Tag Archives for " how to slow aging "

Rapamycin as a Universal Anti-Aging Drug

The side effects of rapamycin. Self-experimentation with the anti-aging drug continues to be strongly discouraged. This is the third and final video in this series. If you missed the previous ones, check out The Enzyme mTOR as an Engine of Aging ( ) and Inhibiting mTOR with Rapamycin for Extending Lifespan and Healthspan ( ). […]

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The Enzyme mTOR as an Engine of Aging

Inhibiting mTOR, the “master determinant of lifespan,” is considered the best validated aging regulator. So, how do you slow it down? This is the first video in a three-part series, so stay tuned for Inhibiting mTOR with Rapamycin for Extending Lifespan and Healthspan ( ) and Is Rapamycin a Universal Anti-Aging Drug? ( ). For […]

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