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The average American doesn’t even get half the recommended minimum of antioxidants per day! #fruits

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Leroy Johnson

  • @chantelle-tc5hv says:

    Warzone armor system 😚🍒

  • @sanford-zs4zf says:

    There’s something about finding weapons AND attachments that makes the gameplay feel so much more impactful and just forces you to play strengths you otherwise would avoid. 🍓🌺

  • @dorla-lv5mj says:

    Multiple maps: Maybe 1 big map and 1 or 2 “resurgence” type maps 👅💋

  • @ensabahnur7657 says:

    Alright, thanks!

  • @MammothMorals says:

    Why so many porn bots talking about video games out of context?

  • @user-yp9nz6bs9q says:

    Broccoli isn’t a fruit.

  • @WeCelebrateEatingPlants says:

    Yay fruit!!

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