This might be shocking but… You’re allowed to have CARBS!!!


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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Mommy POV says:

    Im sorry, but seaweed is not substaintial and it does not fill you up. If someone goes and makes this, they are goimg ro be disappointed that they are hungry still! Now what they are is good! I love them too, but i can eat a pack with not a grain of satiation!

    • Kittster27 says:

      Yes, seaweed alone is not substantial hence why she also had tuna/chicken salad with mixed greens. A good source of protein and fats plus micro nutrients. I also doubt she is just eating one of these, most likely 3-4.

  • Jackie Hammerton says:

    Sharing a recipe from my father-in-law: Pasta al horno!!

    1. Boil penne pasta in salted water
    2. Drain and transfer to a glass oven-safe dish
    3. Add tomato sauce
    4. Bake for 10mins at 180C
    5. Scramble an egg and mix it into the pasta – top with mozzarella and return to the oven
    6. Bake for another 15mins at 180C or until the pasta is very golden crispy!
    7. Enjoy 😘

  • Taylor Grace says:

    I hate the anti-carbs movement. Carbs are literally your body’s ideal macronutrient for energy. If you exercise and/or lift weights, you REEEEALLY should be eating carbs for energy and for muscle fullness (like it draws water into your muscles and makes them look more full and pumped up). Plus carbs taste great lol just don’t go crazy with simple carbs! It’s so simple! Blows my mind, the carb-hate…

    • Claire says:

      I am sick of all of the diet stuff. Eat so you feel good and move your body.

    • whointhewhat says:

      Maybe she didn’t exert that much energy that day or maybe she met her carb goal for that day or maybe she wanted extra tuna instead so she skipped the carbs. You won’t say anything if someone ate pizza yet you shame her!

    • Micky Hoffman says:

      ​@whointhewhatshe’s not shaming anyone, she’s shaming the “anti-carbs” fad in general and lumping carbohydrates into the “not good stuff” category.

    • Adam Arzo says:

      @whointhewhat What’s wrong with eating pizza? Why would I shame someone for eating pizza if it’s within their daily calorie limit? Totally omitting carbs from your diet proves to everyone around you that you fail to understand anything about nutrition. But please, pop off.

  • Claudia G. says:

    Bethenny eats carbs all the time. 😄

  • Hello Bye says:

    How do you know she isn’t eating carbs in her daily diet..?

    • Caroline Clark says:

      Thank you. She doesn’t realize how patronizing it is to tell another grown woman what she is allowed to eat.

    • M says:

      Apparently this woman eats carbs in other videos but Abbey chose to react to the one without carbs on purpose to make herself relevant as per usual 🙄

  • Caroline Clark says:

    Some people find it more mentally and physically satisfying to maintain a diet free of foods like Oreos. When you eat mostly fresh foods for a long period of time, you might even find yourself averted from foods like Oreos and how they make you physically feel. We’re allowed to not eat carbs as well.

    • M says:

      @Chris anthiThey never equated carbs to anything, they said fresh foods. Abbey is the one who equated carbs to Oreos, you’re clearly not paying attention. Your attempt to defend Abbey failed miserably, sorry!

    • Caroline Clark says:

      @Chris anthiI said fresh foods which include many carbs like potatoes, fruits, and oatmeal, all of which I find delicious and satisfying. Abbey Sharp is the one who equates carbs to Oreos.

    • M says:

      @Chris anthiWell perhaps you should watch the video before leaving a reply then. She literally shows oreos at the end

    • Micky Hoffman says:

      ​@Caroline Clarkno she’s saying that sometimes avoiding foods that you crave could potentially lead to a binge, hence the Oreos.

    • M says:

      @Micky HoffmanBethany didn’t avoid anything here that’s the whole problem. She makes recipes with carbs in other videos the seaweed is just an optional substitution here. You’ve left so many comments under this video and you still don’t get it do you

  • M says:

    You mean just like when you went to Denny’s and ordered egg whites with spinach instead of pancakes? Oh it’s ok when you eat “diet culture” foods but when others do you armchair diagnose them with an ED! How about that?

    • H Rodriguez says:

      Maybe she just likes it? I ALWAYS will order a veggie omelette when I go out to breakfast cos I just LOVE EGGS. Pancakes are not satisfying to me. I will never finish a whole order so I just take bites of my sister’s cos I don’t wanna waste the money on stuff I’m not gonna eat.

    • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

      @H Rodriguez  I don’t think OP is saying that there’s anything wrong with Abbey liking egg whites. Some of us are pointing out Abbey’s hypocrisy or double standards. She frowns at others when they make similar food choices as her. If, for example, a celebrity chose egg whites instead of pancakes or whole eggs in their diet, Abbey would say that person is restricting.

      Also, “eggs” and “egg whites” are not the same thing, just to let you know.

    • M says:

      @Giuseppe FerraraYep, this was what I meant. Abbey will endlessly criticize others for eating clean/low carb/whatever she doesn’t like but when she orders an egg white omelet at a restaurant that’s known for pancakes it’s because that’s “what felt good”. Maybe this woman wanted seaweed for the same reason but Abbey automatically assumes restriction. She needs help

    • Kittster27 says:

      @H Rodriguez And maybe Bethenny just likes these tuna seaweed wraps? It’s always one rule for Abbey and a different rule for everyone else with you people.

    • H Rodriguez says:

      I personally have no idea who seaweed wrap woman is so that’s why I can’t speak to it.

  • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

    Nice. Once again, you shame others for making health-conscious food choices while projecting your own food preferences onto other people, and pushing sugar and simple carbs towards them (e.g. when you pull out the Oreos).

    Get off the high horse. Learn that not everyone has the same preferences as you. Maybe it’s not a diet culture influence and she actually genuinely enjoys the seaweed wrap.

    You do know that there’s a reason the Keto diet exists, right? Some people truly enjoy it and thrive off of it.

    • Raccoon 🦝 says:

      Are you the registered dietician?

    • M says:

      @Raccoon 🦝That’s not the point. Abbey cherry picks videos to criticize and this creator doesn’t avoid carbs in her other videos, she just suggests the seaweed as an option for those who do want to eat low carb, and it’s their choice to do that. And Abbey avoids some foods herself yet it’s ok when she does it

    • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

      @Raccoon 🦝 You mean a Dietitian who’s never worked with an actual client, and only has experience in marketing and social media? Nope.

      And no need. Some of us actually have common sense dude. And it’s not like we are required to have certain credentials or a certification to make a valid comment or have basic understanding on a subject matter.

      Plus, I love how you need to brag about Abbey being a Dietitian just to validate her opinion. Makes me wonder if you even have a valid response to make yourself. Unless you bother to make a counterargument to my comment, I suggest you walk out of here and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

    • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

      @Raccoon 🦝 Oh, and just so you know, I guarantee that most people in this comment section are not Dietitians. I wonder why you chose to only interrogate me and not some of the other commenters. Did my comment trigger you much? 😂 I’m sorry if it did.

      Now please feel free to keep drinking Abbey’s Kool aid if that’s all you got to say.

    • Kittster27 says:

      As always you’re 100% on the money.

  • Anna Witter says:

    We are all different. Some of us thrive on carbs some don’t. But it shouldn’t be labelled unhealthy or fattening

    • Ryan Chen says:

      not that different according to geneticists😅, personal preferences are overblown. You can say you don’t need carbs all you want but your body knows you need it.

    • Anna Witter says:

      @Ryan Chen it’s still a personal choice

    • Stay Mad says:

      @Anna Wittersure, but that doesn’t magically make it the right one

    • Anna Witter says:

      @Stay Mad yep true. But the good news is that if a choice don’t work out you can always choose again till you find what works for you personally

    • Adam Arzo says:

      ​@Anna Witter Carbs provide fuel for your muscles. It’s really not a personal choice to omit them. Your body needs them. We all thrive on carbs because the body needs them.

  • FindingMySpitFire says:

    Unpopular opinion, but I eat seaweed sheets like I do potato chips. Not as a diet thing but because it’s so much tastier than potato chips

  • Courtney Harrigan says:

    Abbey I almost always agree with you, but you 100% got this one wrong. Have you seen any other of Bethanny’s videos were she is making food? She is NOT anti carbs. In fact, I’m not sure she really has any food rules other than she’s allergic to all seafood the has fins (aka fish). I actually was just watching that spin off show she did called “Bethanny’s getting married,” on the Peacock channel, which I’ve seen before, but it’s just kind of interesting to see how Jason is now a stalker etc. But she was also pregnant. She didn’t not hold back on any food. And I know you can say, oh well she knew she had to eat to feed the baby, but you can’t just turn off an eating disorder because you are pregnant. I think Bethanny was blessed with a good metabolism, good genetics in terms of her body, she’s extremely high strung, so her body is never really at rest during the day, she’s always on the go, she exercises some, nothing crazy, but she does yoga, Pilates, etc. And she’s a chef. I think she needs to take a chill pill sometimes, obviously, but I think she’s a really good mother to Brynn, and has a lot more patience with her, which is what matters. And no, I’m not trolling Bethanny. I just have really bad insomnia, and stay caught up in some of this crap.

    Also, on a completely unrelated note, who would of guessed that Jason would have turned out to be such a crazed lunatic. Refusing to move out of the condo (now this I think is crazy on both ends, but poor Brynn!). But then showing up at Brynn’s school on days that Bethanny was supposed to get her. And now having a record because he sent her thousands and thousands of emails. I wonder what his parents think about the whole thing. They are clearly nice people. But also Jason, it is not common (I’m using common in place of normal, because what is normal- Jason certainly didn’t know.) to be almost 40 years old, and to go see your parents almost every weekend. Sure Bethanny situation wasn’t the average family dynamic, but neither was Jason’s. It’s clear that this happened because of the death of his brother, but Bethanny was right about after you get married, and particularly after you have a child, you need to start focusing on making your own little family unit. Grandparents are great (sometimes) but from what I saw, Jason’s parents are really good, loving people, but Jason, Bethanny, and Brynn needed to start making their own family traditions. What they were going to do on Christmas Eve. The first Christmas Brynn was really excited for Santa, but I think you need to do those things in your own home.

    • beex says:

      I ain’t reading alldat but I agree w u

    • Micky Hoffman says:

      I don’t think Abbey was saying Bethanny is anti-carbs, she is saying that this short kinda vilifies carbs and so she’s just saying “hey, you know what? Eat the fucking bread if you want some coz avoiding what you’re craving can lead to a binge.” Which is true

  • idrinkalotofwater says:

    she never implied they were bad in the video shown tho?
    she just made a roll ?

  • Laura Barnett says:

    She eats everything

  • rachel_geller2023 says:

    i agree, carbs are not evil. Just go to Asia, see how varbs are consumed 😊

  • El & Enchanted says:

    Okay but this meal is the hunger crushing combo is it not? Fiber from seaweed and broccoli, plus broccoli is carbs & vitamins & fiber, healthy fats from tuna and the mayo that I assume is in a chicken/tuna salad, protein from tuna and chicken. What’s the problem? Why can’t this be “emotionally satisfying”?

    • M says:

      Because if Abbey doesn’t see any carbs on a single meal she will automatically assume restriction, it’s ridiculous but it’s what she built her whole channel on

  • Carnation says:

    Honestly if I ate that I would be full. There’s protein, fats etc in her meal plus we don’t know what time she ate a meal, snacked or how much she consumed of that prior to eating the wrap. That also doesn’t include if it’s a low energy or high energy output day for her. We also all have different amount of food that satisfy our bodies and metabolisms. Any case I understand what your saying that if you’re not sufficiently filling yourself up that you will tend to quickly reach for a sugary treat to fulfill your hunger. So I think that’s the point your trying to make in the long run. I agree carbs don’t need to be vilified but they are not needed in every single meal of the day. PS cookies are great.

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