5 *Tiny* Things You Do Daily That Make You Gain Weight
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Today I'm sharing 5 small, daily habits that cause people to plateau along their weight loss journey.
Free Protein Calculator:
Study mentioned:
0:00 intro
0:51 sneaky sweet tooth
3:43 wind down paradox
5:25 sponsor
6:34 wayyyy too much caffeine
7:58 protein problem
9:50 cheat days
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Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
Nice job!❤
This is perfect timing for me. Lately, I’ve wanted a sweet but small ‘reward’ at the end of the day…even though I’m not hungry. Now I have the info I need to power through those thoughts. Thank you!
The protein calculator link isn’t working for me.
Interesting video!👍
Hi! You can find the protein calculator her: https://autumnellenutrition.shop/pages/protein-calculator?_pos=1&_psq=protein+cal&_ss=e&_v=1.0
The app you recommend messed my phone up.
I consistently do NOT meet my sugar allowance on My Fitness Pal, could this be the cause of my sugar cravings?
Great video! Thanks. 😊
My problem is that I am losing fat from my face. Not a good look for a 72 women.
Thanks Autumn
Where is the free protein calculator? The link shown just takes you to Autumn Elle Nutrition for $20. That’s not free. I’ll pass.
Hi Pam! You can find the protein calculator here: https://autumnellenutrition.shop/pages/protein-calculator?_pos=1&_psq=protein+cal&_ss=e&_v=1.0
The link does not take you to the calculator! Help!
Hi! You can find my protein calculator here: https://autumnellenutrition.shop/pages/protein-calculator?_pos=1&_psq=protein+cal&_ss=e&_v=1.0
I learnt that when I get a sugar craving, I’ll have 1-2 dates. That usually satisfies me.
💯 what I am going through these days. Thank you for making this video. ❤
I always learned you should have 1 gram protein per lean mass/ideal body weight instead of actual body weight so now I’m confused.
Autumn, why do you talk so fast in your videos? SLOW DOWN!
I’m 72 and have been doing intermittent fasting for almost 2 years and I finally am finding whole milk cottage cheese and yogurt. I workout with a trainer 3x a week and walk the other days. I’m a big water drinker, limit alcohol, no soft drinks, eat mainly chicken, fruits and vegetables. I woke up 2 weeks ago with a horrible throbbing of my big toe and it turns out I had Gout! I don’t fit the profile other than eating whole milk yogurt and cottage cheese. Has anyone else had this problem? Gout does not run in my family either so I really at a loss. Unfortunately I’m going to go back to eating low-fat dairy, sad!
I absolutely loved this video as I’ve been struggling with my weight loss…I’m eating cleaner & working out but the lbs aren’t coming off as fast as I want them so was getting discouraged but seeing your video made me realize I’m cheating a lil here & there & they add up!!
Great info about the sneaky sweets! Definitely guilty. The protein calculator link takes you to 7 day detox purchase
To continue from my previous comment…thank you for this eye opener as sometimes we need help to make us realize these bad eating habits…I eat a lot good protein so I’m not hungry just old bad habits that I need to work on!!
Feeling called out on my dried cranberry habit 😅
??? What about reading before bed. Will that cause sleeping problems???