3 Foods That Make You Sick & Fat – The Elimination Trifecta

Do you want to start a diet to feel better and lose weight, but don’t have time to get wrapped up in dieting details, like measuring your portions and counting calories? Then I encourage you to avoid these three foods. I call them the Elimination Trifecta, and we’ll go over them in this video.

Want to Learn More? (videos I mentioned):
Is Honey OK?
Sweetness from non-caloric sweeteners:
Cooking Oils

Get started with Dr. Becky for free: Learn her 4 Daily Habits (0,1,2,3 Strategy) for Weight Loss:

Are you up for the challenge? Take our 21-Day LOW-CARB or KETO Challenge:

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More Videos by Dr. Becky:
3 Ways to do Intermittent Fasting:
What Can You Eat on a Low Carb Diet? (Full Food List)
How to Make Weight Loss Easier after Menopause:

Links to the studies mentioned in my videos can be found on my blog by typing the video name into the search:

Disclaimer: Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. Her use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Gillaspy was a licensed chiropractor in Pennsylvania, but she no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Gillaspy and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Dr Becky Fitness LLC and Dr. Rebecca Gillaspy, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Leroy Johnson

  • Nam Rofni says:

    Sugar, flour, seed oil/vegetable oil

  • Suzanne Cuerrier says:

    I was introduced to Keto in 2018 and started following a very low carb diet since Feb 2019. I reached my weight loss goal about 1.5 years into the new life style and have maintained the same size ever since. Of all the YouTube videos I’ve watched, yours is the only original channel I’ve continued watching. I like your approach. Thank you.

    • Dr. Becky Gillaspy says:

      Congratulations, Suzanne! Thank you so much for your comment!

    • Jim Brown says:

      Suzanne, I’m gonna reach my weight loss goal on Keto within a month. I’m gonna need some help on how many carbs to add back for me to maintain. Big Chocolate Cake? LOL . . uh, No!

    • Rasheedat Williams says:


    • Tumbleweed UK says:

      Would be really grateful if you have a moment, to know roughly what you eat as I cannot quite get to full keto! I eat a very healthy diet, either OMAD or intermittent fasting and have no desire for sweets or snacking and only drink green tea. But I cannot live without potatoes or rice or some sourdough toast sometimes so I am not quite sure what low carb means. Would really appreciate your advice as it sounds as if it works for you.

      I am 75 and don’t have any major health issues and haven’t seen a doctor for 30 years or more but as old age looms I need to give it a bit more effort to my health !!

      Namaste 💜🙏💜

  • So fi says:

    Glad Keith is doing great! Thanks for the lesson on sugar, flour and oils. 😘💙

  • Kimberly Perrotis says:

    I developed elevated blood sugar although I never ate sweets, I just put a teaspoon of sugar in my morning coffee (no longer). Banishing flour, rice, starchy vegetables like corn (really a cereal grain) and potatoes helped a lot more. Unfortunately, we were all strongly urged by doctors to make these simple starches the backbone of our diets during the stupid Low-Fat recommendations of a couple of decades ago. This did more damage to Americans’ health than anything else, we are fatter, have more diabetes and fatty livers, etc., than ever before.

  • WillyK says:

    I’ve been on a Mediterranean diet since August 1st of this year and haven’t had a soda since June and no candy since August but have recently had a couple slices of pie since it was Thanksgiving. I haven’t been perfect but I’ve been following the diet about 95% of the time and getting more exercise though with my schedule, not enough. To date I’ve lost thirty pounds on my way to my initial goal of 200. After that we’ll see where I stabilize.

    • Cheri Beldin says:

      Good luck to you Bill!

    • Carol Coleman says:

      I’m very interested in starting the Mediterranean diet. Are there different versions. Which is best?

    • WillyK says:

      @Carol Coleman I just started with some recipes from YouTube and have since bought a couple of cookbooks. I think it’s just a style in general with maybe some regional variations. As far as I can tell, it’s all good.

  • Kara Hamil says:

    When I eat sugar or let my guard down and eat junk food my arthritis flares up as does my sciatica . Good to know Keith is doing great !!!

  • Mama J says:

    Dr Becky, I had signed up for your 21-day “Low Carb Challenge” and lost 40 lbs. It’s wonderful! Only now am I ready to let go of sugar and will begin to eliminate it from our kitchen. We (hubby and I) already use only olive oil, some avocado and grapeseed oil, and no seed oils. I cook from scratch, garden, and we raise our own meats. I think correcting our eating habits first should make eliminating sugar easier. Well, except for dark chocolate! I’m keeping that, in moderation of course, lol. Thank you so much for your hard work developing these programs to help us all stay healthier. Blessings to you!

  • J Birdsong says:

    This is an excellent video to share with anyone starting their journey to better health- and GRET timing before all those new years resolutions lead people down the wrong path. I’m also very glad to hear that Keith is doing well. Have a wonderful and healthy holiday!

  • Tamara Varnado says:

    I just started a WFPB diet after being pescatarian for years. I feel like eliminating unhealthy oils has been key for reducing inflammation and I can feel the difference already. Thanks for being a great resource Dr Becky!

  • NeverBetter says:

    One year ago, at the age of 67 and carrying around a bit of postmenopausal weight, I began eliminating these foods from my diet. It was a process…for example, I swapped wheat crackers for almond meal crackers, but eventually eliminated those, too, because eating them was keeping me from losing weight and feeling good. As soon as I made the switch to eating whole foods and leaving sugar, flour and seed oils out of my diet, I started to drop the weight and ultimately lost 30 pounds. I no longer take blood pressure medication and today was at 107/61. Sometimes my friends ask me what I’ve been doing…well, it’s what I’m NOT doing anymore that probably best describes it! Thank you for your informative videos…they are clear, concise and so very helpful! Kind regards!

  • Dr. Becky Gillaspy says:

    Thanks for watching!

    You can get my free 0,1,2,3 strategy here: https://www.drbeckyfitness.com/dr-beckys-0123-strategy/

    Other YouTube videos I mentioned:
    Is Honey OK? https://youtu.be/BtPvZuk6vpg
    Sweetness from non-caloric sweeteners: https://youtu.be/3W78CJGr4sc
    Cooking Oils https://youtu.be/vv7URcV8kNI

  • Bluesky says:

    You took the words right out of my mouth ! I agree with you 💯! Thank you for explaining all of this so eloquently. With regards to fat, I am now using slightly less olive/coconut oils and using more butter & tallow (grass fed) – healing for the body/hormones.

  • Sharon Doan says:

    Your videos are so clear and understandable. You have a gift for communication that blesses others. Many physicians are knowledgeable in their field, but lack the ability to share their knowledge with others. When the doctor is a great communicator that enables patients to implement instructions properly and confidently. Thank you.

  • Anna Samek says:

    Wonderful advice, thank you. One thing I would add to it: the difference between American and European nutrition. My Polish friends and I ( we are 53 years old now) were never overweight despite eating bread and cakes, but one thing we never ever did is DRINK sugar: not in tea or coffee, no sodas, cokes, juices, even beer in moderation. I hope this might help all the dieting people out there.

    • Jim West says:

      Yes I am English but eat a fairly Polish diet from travelling there. Their potatoes taste incredible, they look yellowy/brown and taste earthy, not bland and very white like US and UK potatoes. Europe doesn’t like Monsanto or corn syrup. I bought a bottle of coke in Poland first time there and got looked at like an alien. A girlfriend had a sip and hated it, said it was so sweet.

    • Danielle D says:

      Thank you!

    • Courtney Puzzo says:

      @Jim West that’s true to a point but we do have yellow potatoes in the US the are called Yukon Gold though when your making mashed potatoes for a holiday meal about 1/2 of Yukon gold potatoes will melt also American soda didn’t always have Corn Syrup and Aspartame in it until the early 1980s when a sugar crop in the Caribbean was severely damaged in a Hurricane technically the first diet soda in the US was Tab in the early 1960s. my late maternal grandmother drank Tab until she switched to diet Coke in the early 90s

  • jess dior says:

    I’m rarely invited to parties or asked to eat out because the people around me know much I hate sugary & processed foods. They said I’m too picky, but I’m sure I’m just picking the right choice for my body. I’m 35 and health conscious.

  • Shane Allred says:

    In reading more labels on food lately, I’ve also noticed a lot of products use multiple types of sugar. I suspect this is so they can try to move sugar lower on the list of ingredients and make the product seem more healthy, at first glance, than it actually is. Great video, thanks!

  • Willie Wonka says:

    For me, leaving all processed food behind and avoiding sugar, grains, flour and alcohol worked like magic. Within a few weeks my BMI was within the normal range and carb craving greatly diminished. Most of my food is from the local farmer/butcher and our large garden.

    • PA Anne says:

      I recently moved to a town that has very little organic foods available (and what is available is on it’s last leg), but found a farm that sells grass fed meats and I get my eggs, milk and produce there also. Good for you that you found that also.

    • MegaCasper4 says:

      Did you cut out alcohol completly?

    • Willie Wonka says:

      @MegaCasper4 one or two per month. I really should stop completely. Beer and sugary drinks are off the list.

    • MegaCasper4 says:

      @Willie Wonka one thing i learned about alcohol : small amounts doesnt (one beer or one glass of redwine) raise your bloodsugar, it lowers your insulin 👍 i sometimes have a problem with holding back lol

  • Jobee says:

    Thank you, this is the best explanation about dieting I have read, watched or heard over the past 10 years. Straightforward and simplified about processes food goes through before it reaches the shop shelves making them unhealthy. I have to say, I do think the general public is covertly lied to when it comes to the food we frequently eat.

  • Lori Stromski says:

    I have been complacent with my eating the last two years and am grateful for your content. I turned 58 Saturday the 13th and treating my body like the gift it is will be easier after watching this ❤

    • DavidT says:

      Best of luck! When I was 55, I had a realisation moment and bought some smart scales with app tracking. One of the readings is metabolic age. Now I don’t take it literally but it’s just one of the assessments.
      When I was 55, it gave my metabolic age as 59 and I was overweight.
      I’ve recently turned 58 and my metabolic age is now 57. 🙂
      I’ve lost 16kg, feel much better, buy clothes that fit so much better and my mental boost is huge in knowing that I can make better food choices.

  • Of Cooks and Books says:

    Thank you for presenting this info without being “screamy” or “preachy.” I’m starting a weight loss journey to help my recovery process from a surgery I’m having later this year. I have endometriosis and both sugar and flour are huge inflammatory triggers.

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