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Dietitian Reviews Blair Walnuts TRIGGERING Weight Loss Video (So Controversial it Got DELETED!)

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Hi everyone, I’m Abbey Sharp and welcome to Abbey’s Kitchen. In today's highly requested video we will be taking a look at a controversial *now deleted* video by Blair Walnuts on how to lose weight fast.

If you missed my previous video on Blair Walnuts, you can check it out right here:


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.

3) Please be kind in the comments.

4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.

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If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

With Science & Sass,

Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Cayla says:

    Blair has definitely gone through something after her breakup with her fiance because her videos do seem more chaotic and stressful than before. I am sure that stress of the breakup reflected in her eating habits

    • Brandon’s True Crime says:

      She was with Nick for years. She probably is having a rough time with it and she isn’t able to deal with the fact it’s over

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Possibly. I hope she is able to find the help she needs

    • Brandon’s True Crime says:

      @Heyheyhey I think Blaire said it was mutual

    • Ashley Mendoza says:

      I agree. I used to watch her all the time and thought she was so funny and after they broke up she started changing and it was very hard for me to watch. I really hope she gets help

    • Anjuli Mack says:

      I can’t imagine the pain she is going through. I don’t know who she is but having an engagement/relationship end would be so tough.

  • corn dawg says:

    honestly while her diet was kind of triggering I don’t even know if I can criticize her about it because I feel like she has been in a really awful place mentally. I just really hope she gets the help she needs

  • visceralkilos says:

    I just want to say thank you so much Abbey im 14 and you have really helped me on my anorexia recovery and helping me to reconstruct my relationship with food. You’re genuinely such a knowledgable, warm hearted person and I’m so glad I found your channel. My mum really likes you too. thank you for everything you do❤️❤️

  • B. Byrd says:

    This is why people yoyo diet and live miserably, even when weight loss is the goal. No reason you can’t lose weight AND not be hungry. Listening to people like her and their extreme hot takes on nutrition. Abby you’ve seriously helped me with my disordered eating and education about nutrition SO MUCH. Thank you 💖💖💖

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      I’m so glad my videos are helpful for you! ❤️

    • Leah Swenson says:

      Also what is she 23 at the most? Please come talk to me after you’ve had some kids you’re 30 you have to do way more than just not eat until noon. I feel like just not eating until noon and going on a few walks or whatever is a very twenty-year-old thing.

    • Rena Bale says:

      @Leah Swenson exactly. My metabolism has slowed heaps in my mid 30’s and with two tots and a secular job, I have little time. I used to have an ED in my teens and early 20’s so what’s she’s saying is similar to my thoughts back then. She’s preaching a toxic, shallow relationship with food. Interesting to see where she ends up in 10-15 years time.

    • Lily Poppy says:

      @Leah Swenson you’d be surprised the effort ppl with EDs put in. I’d juggle school and long ballet classes every day while not eating until I got home at 7:30pm. Felt awful and on the verge of passing out or falling asleep all day but I still “fasted” while having things to do.

    • Leah Swenson says:

      @Lily Poppy I’ve had an ED and it consumed my every thought and my every action I took throughout the day. I still have issues with serious image issues. I’m sorry you have had to know the pain of an ED

  • Hayley says:

    i used to like watching her videos but she’s changed a lot honestly and though I wasn’t aware of her breakup etc, either way this and she is pretty triggering for me as a 15 year old trying to recover from anorexia so I chose to avoid her videos. thank you for sharing this 🙂

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      I’m sorry those videos are triggering for you. I hope the review was still helpful!

    • Hayley says:

      @Abbey Sharp it is!

    • Katherine says:

      Best of luck on your recovery, it can be so hard to avoid triggers and I’m proud of you for being mindful of it!

    • Hannah B says:

      Just wanted to add a positive voice for you! I know recovering can be a struggle and wanted to remind you how strong you are! Every step towards recovery, no matter how small, is something to be celebrated. Keep on that path! You’re not alone and many will cheer you on ❤

  • Natalia says:

    When I hear Blair talk about her eating habits, it really sounds like the voice my eating disorder has in my head. The downplaying of her restrictive eating, using hot drinks/soup to reduce hunger and consume less calories, etc is just so familiar to me as someone currently struggling with anorexia. I don’t think she posted this realizing how triggering and dangerous it can be, I think she might be unaware or in denial that she has an eating disorder (not that I’m trying to diagnose her!)

  • isle of whispers says:

    I feel horrible for Blair. She used to have such a positive bubbly humour and a zest for food and Life in general. It’s so heartbreaking to hear about her breakup and how it seems to be affecting her. I’ll also say as far as her describing her diet as low effort: it definitely is low effort to not eat until well into the day when your experiencing depression. It is so much work for me to actually get up and eat when I’m in a depressed state to the point where I literally will wait until I’m about to pass out to put something in my body. I hope that’s not what she’s referencing, but I do understand kind of turning that into an intermittent fasting mindset.

    • Captain Cornetto says:

      Your last sentence is what my shrink told me few months ago

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Absolutely. I hope she is able to find the help she needs

    • Asmita Bose says:

      I can relate. I went through a phase of severe depression for around a year. And yes, I wouldn’t get up and eat even the food was already prepared and available for me to eat (food available in college mess). I will get up when either when I’m extremely fatigued from lack of food and water. I wouldn’t get up even to bring a glass of water. Hopefully I am over that phase. I went under clinical supervision to overcome that.

    • lolsaXx says:

      Yep, when I was depressed and felt lonley it used to take me until mid afternoon to muster up the energy to eat but then I would snack on chips until midnight.

    • Fanny Barrier says:

      That is so true and relatable 😐

  • Paige says:

    Once again Abbey handles an extremely sensitive topic with eloquence and professionalism. Was a little worried this one would trigger me, but your insightful commentary helped majorly.

  • Hailey says:

    As a mom of a little girl watching videos like this really makes my heart hurt for all the little girls struggling with body image and watching videos like hers. Really working on teaching my daughter that when you’re hungry you need to honor your body and eat.

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Me too. I hope she is able to find the help she needs

    • No Name says:

      Same here. My daughter is 12 and already compares herself to her friends. It’s a tough situation. Hopefully talking with them helps. I know my mom never talked to me about body image etc and I had dealt with body issues for years. I wished I had gotten support at home.

  • ebethjanna says:

    the way she said she eats “between 1500 and 2000 calories” reminds me so much of the way i reassure people i’m eating enough… and i have an active eating disorder and am often, you know, lying. (i’m in treatment and working hard to get better – if you’re reading this and you’re struggling, you deserve recovery and i believe in you!)

  • Tresjolie says:

    Hey at least she is honest how she got so skinny, most influencers don’t

    • Riri Beasley says:

      @Tania I think you’ll find it’s not healthy to eat one meal a day at all. That’s not enough to fuel an active body. There’s very little evidence to support the supposed benefits of intermittent fasting. I understand some people do this because of cultural or religious reasons – this video was not about that. This is not a healthy or safe way to lose weight. I think you’ll find abbey would agree with that

    • Chloe Arellano says:

      @Riri Beasley yea

    • Ashling S says:

      completely agree. I do bodybuilding and powerlifting and eat very similar to Blaire. Its my sport. I also eat more flexibly when I am not competing. You will find a lot of athletes have to eat in a very ‘obsessive way’. I love food and love life. But I know If I told people about what I eat during a prep I would get roasted by this dietitian. Sick of people pretending they can eat 3000 calories and be 10% fat. Truth is-they don’t!

    • Kiki Vonblue says:


  • Moto Mom says:

    I haven’t watched Blair in a super long time, this transformation is shocking.

    • Karen Meraw says:

      SAME it’s been a good two years.

    • moglaude says:

      This is not really a good representation of who she is, it’s one anxious video that is all

    • totally_a_spy says:

      Same. I don’t know what to think

    • cherie bomb says:

      me too! I don’t really remember what her content was, but this still shocked me

    • NeekkeKayla says:

      Havent started the vid yet but I’m finding out from the comments her and nick broke up??!! 💔💔💔💔

      I feel like this one vid of hers I haven’t even seen entirely misrepresents her channel. She used to make a lot of “eating like____” vids that were super well researched and would even get into how they dressed and acted. It wasn’t REALLY about losing weight, at least that’s not what it felt like. It was about being open and honest about how diet culture really affects women at that age. She would always point out how terrible she felt on the harder diets and would show us her body in an effort to be relatable. I found her when I was trying to maintain my disordered eating habits and I stayed with her because it actually made me feel good to see that These Diets Do Not Work. And because her channel just didn’t support my disorder eating ideas????

      I feel like this review of her video was a bit unfair and was definitely looking for things to find disordered. I am still working through the vid and trying have an open mind.. but knowing Blair, I just dont think it’s accurate…

  • My German Nightmare says:

    I feel more empathetic than enraged. Yes, she’s an adult that should 100% be held accountable for giving these bad advices. But I think she also needs a lot of compassion atm. Calling off an engagement/long term relationship breaks you as a person, I’ve been there, esp. when her ex is now somehow already engaged again and publicly said mean things about Blair. I truly wish her well.

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      Me too. I hope she is able to find the help she needs

    • Delaney Walker says:

      Completely agree!! Adults don’t know it all and we all get wrapped up in our problems or life struggles but I think this calls for education, empathy, and support for her 💛

    • kayla cupcake says:

      Yes this is such a good take… not to mention her ex is clearly intent on lambasting her and is *engaged again.* poor Blair has no home — the Internet is the only place she lives. She seems so lost, I feel for her.

    • Sarah M says:

      Omg he’s already engaged? Heartbreaking. Sending lots of love to B 💕

    • EvelynSDMF says:

      Nik isn’t REALLY engaged. If you know how he is you’d know how much of a troll he is. He hasn’t even been “physically romantic” with his “fiance” yet. It’s a gag. He LITERALLY did an entire video of how him and Blair ended. They agreed to go to therapy and instead SHE decided to go on a Yacht with Azzyland and called Nik and said, “Therapy is for losers and she will never go to a therapist. She has bashed him many many many times on her Instagram and videos.
      She used to be such a lovely person that seemed to have such good morals and values. Yes, I completely understand the heartbroken state she is in. But she literally CHOSE to NOT fix her relationship. All men aren’t dog water and to “get over someone” you shouldn’t get “under someone.” (Her advice) She has an extremely young fan base and personally in her recent videos she is setting horrible examples to her younger impressionable audience.
      I have been watching her for years and she has changed. Not for the better and it’s so sad. She smokes cigs now…its just….idk. I hope she finds herself again. She TRULY seems like a sweetheart and kind soul.
      She has always had issues with her body. There is absolutely nothing wrong with therapy. Therapy is like a workout for your mental. As important as it is to exercise and work on your physical, it is the same when it comes to your mental.

  • Me says:

    She’s definitely going through a “mental health disturbance”. She’s basically admitted that she went off the rails with the hair bleaching because it gave her sense of control and accomplishment and I image it was the same case for the food. Ending her engagement and relationship must’ve been such a huge blow to her life.

  • blair walnuts says:

    Thank you Abby ❤️🥺 appreciate you more than you know

  • Yvonne Marinus says:

    Hearing her talk like this sounds like it is straight out of my ed’s mouth that spews against me in my mind. The everyday walking part hit very close to home. Having to move everyday and not be allowed to rest is a definite thing I struggle with, in a relapse into my ed. Thank you Abbey, for making these videos and giving me rational knowledge to combat the ed thoughts <3.

  • Hannah Alvarado says:

    The fact that you said that 200 wasn’t a meal has actually made me feel so relieved, I try to eat vegan a lot and I see proportion sizes on all the packages and the calories for each and I notice 3 nuggets = 190 calories and it makes me so anxious and makes me feel like I should just have that so I do and then I binge in the end and I never understood why when I was eating the proportion I was told.

    • Chlo says:

      From my understanding portion sizes are often quite small and you would need to eat a lot of different foods to make a decent and reasonably sized meal. Intuitive eating is more important then calorie counts and eating a variety of foods with a variety of nutrients. Which may explain serving sizes of different foods. You know what is best for you personally and what is a good portion for you which may be different for someone else. Disclaimer: im not a diet expert so I might be wrong

    • Ninjanova says:

      Portion sizes make no sense in the real world of a person eating, tbh idk what logiv there is behind, completely ignore them. Eat what you think is a fair amount for your needs. (I also never listen to the vegan nugget suggest portion, the other day I ate a whole pack of vegan bratwurst)

    • Jade Schultz says:

      also know that eating veggie is way different than eating animal products. normally animal products have much more calories and fats in them than if you were to eat just veggie. also you do need to eat more on a veggie diet because eating a salad is not the same as eating it with steak. best way to stay heathly on a veggie diet is add mulitple groups of food in your meal and then you should cover the bases!

    • Jordannah Galea says:

      Hannah Dailey this is such a big thing for me to realise. I stress when my meals are 300 calories +.
      I truly believe it comes from dieting since I was 11, but I’m working on it. Changing my mindset from weight loss to performance has helped. But it’s still a hard mindset to shift.

    • Jennifer says:

      I’ve been vegetarian since I was 12, so I’ve spent a lot of time trying to learn about how to have a balanced diet. With things like veggie nuggets, the portion size is set with the idea that they will be a side to a larger meal. 190 calories is a snack, not a meal. On days when you’re feeling lazy and the nuggets are going to be your whole dinner, go ahead and eat multiple servings. If you have more energy, make some sides to go with the nuggets so you can have a full meal. Sometimes I like to put mine in a wrap or on a salad. I’ve also tossed fake chicken into a curry sauce with some veggies and put it over rice. I like to aim for a good variety of foods in my day rather than a specific calorie count. I think Abbey has a playlist of good vegan WIEIAD videos that you can watch for inspiration.

  • sh0e h0rn says:

    this hurts so much to watch. it feels like the breakup spiral that happens when you think you’re getting your “revenge body” by starving yourself and doing all this other stuff, but you are really just making yourself sick. I just went through this over the summer, so I feel it. I hope she gets this disordered eating under control. she deserves better.

  • bluelollipops808 says:

    This is exactly how my ED spoke to me. It’s so scary to hear it out loud. 😭 I hope she’s doing okay and will feel better soon.

    • Anya says:

      I hope you’re doing better from that right now! Sending love and support 💕

    • bluelollipops808 says:

      @Anya You’re so sweet. Thank you. Happy to report I’m doing much better nowadays.

    • cordelia says:

      I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. I hope you are feeling much better now and have a lovely day. An ed is such a horrible thing I wish it was talked about more

    • bluelollipops808 says:

      @cordelia thank you so much. To be honest, there are good days and bad days and it’s really something you never 100% get rid off, but I am feeling better now than I did before. Thank you so much for your words…it means a lot more than you know! Hope you have a good day too!

  • SylviSix says:

    Im new here and clicked bc I love Blair and have realized a definite decline on her mental health since her break up. So I’m very happy to see people empathetic instead of jumping to yell at her and say she’s damaging people when clearly she is the one who needs help. Thank you all for being considerate and instead of the typical go to of blaming and hating, all I see are supportive and caring people. Great community here 💕

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