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Dietitians Thoughts on Amberlynn Reid’s Diet & Mukbangs (This Might Be Hard to Watch…)

Hi everyone, welcome to Abbey's Kitchen! In today’s highly requested video, we will be reviewing Amberlynn Reid.

DISCLAIMER: We shot and edited this review back in September, so it may or may not be an an up to date representation of where Amberlynn is currently at in her weight loss journey.

Thanks again to Alessandra Magisano (Eating Disorder Dietitian) for joining me!
See her contact information below if you're interested in getting in touch with her for some one-on-one support.

Alessandra Magisano RD MHSc


A few disclaimers:

1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) This video is not intended to diagnose or pathologize Amberlynn. The intention of this video is to simply discuss the themes on her channel in an educational and compassionate format.

3) Please be kind in the comments, here and on Amberlynn's channel.

4) TRIGGER WARNING: some graphics and discussions may be disturbing to some viewers so feel free to skip this video.

5) Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and ring the little bell so you never miss out!

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Check out my blog for healthy recipes, parenting tips and tricks and busting nutrition myths and diets: www.abbeyskitchen.com

If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

Xoxo Abbey

Contribution by: Giselle Segovia RD MHSc

Leroy Johnson

  • Minsooky • The History of Beauty says:

    Thank you for approaching this respectfully, a lot of people don’t.

    • Gina Marie says:

      I completely agree.

    • jutiajulia says:

      It’s so good to see you minsooky😃

    • Bimbo Lecter says:

      @Aya Jade you guys need to let it go at some point. There are fr worse ppl on this platform who don’t get half the coverage. It’s not even the subject of the video, Abby is reviewing her diet not her morals

    • Aya Jade says:

      @Bimbo Lecter yeah considering many of the things I’ve listed are on going and repeating behaviors not going to happen. But glad to know you support animal abusers and domestic violence

  • Whitney says:

    I feel like you’re the perfect person to make this sort of video. Idk why mukbangs turned into binges, they were much nicer to watch when they weren’t that way.

  • Tieia Talks says:

    Therapy. Therapy. Therapy. It’s how I lost 185 pounds, have kept it off for almost 19 years and to eat whole food. I’m not perfect but people don’t end up 300, 400, 500+ pounds because we’re happy.

    • Abbey Sharp says:

      I’m glad that worked for you

    • Chantel's French Lovers Restraining Order says:

      This is 100% the truth. I think the best thing inever did for my health was deal with the discomfort of dealing with my issues and work them out. Growth is painful but its worth it.

    • lynncrf says:

      I have never been obese, but hormonal issues caused me to go from 112 to 173 lbs. So I had always assumed extremely obese people just had things like me that commonly go undiagnosed like insulin resistance and thyroid resistance. Do you guys think that all people like ALR have emotional issues? I would have thought that she was just naturally meant to be bigger, but that being put on diets from the age of 11 just killed her metabolism.

    • Chumhum says:

      @lynncrf most people who do get to amberlynns size do it because they usually have a history of abuse or mental health issues and they turn to food as comfort. Even watching my 600lb life they all seem to have a story like that. Amberlynn has talked about how she had a rough childhood and has mental health issues. I have PCOS, insulin resistance and an underactive thyroid and the reason I am as big as I am is because I use food as a crutch. It’s definitely more mental than physical, you can be a healthy weight with all those issues. Also her going on a diet at such a young age most likely didn’t damage her metabolism, but gave her an unhealthy relationship with food and disordered eating habits

    • lynncrf says:

      @Chumhum For me it was definitely all hormonal issues that caused weight gain but maybe as you say it has to be something more to reach 500 lbs. I lost most of the hormonal weight, but if I reduce my thyroid or metformin dose I gain so easily. So it’s interesting to hear the other perspective, since like some of the others I don’t know ALR.

  • Sarah Bent says:

    Making a bowl of cereal while watching. Stopped to throw a handful of blueberries on top to make Abbey happy. Lol.

  • Morgan says:

    You’re a genuinely good and kind person, Abbey. Your approach is A+. You’re just here to help. Not abuse.

  • Miss Moxie says:

    Even if she were 120 pounds I would have NO patience for Amberlynn Reid. It has nothing to do with her eating, mukbangs, or weight.
    There was one video where she explained that she woke up that morning and her dog, Twinkie, couldn’t walk. Instead of taking Twinkie to the vet she went shopping at Walmart and out to dinner at Chili’s. She claimed that there are NO 24 hour emergency vets in her area. A Google search shows there are TWO 24 hour emergency vets in the city she lives in. One of which was up the street from the Chilis she had dinner at. She’s also driven two hours to go to the Cheesecake Factory, but can’t drive 20 minutes to get her dog medical attention. She’s a deplorable human being

    • MugAMuggle says:

      If you think she’d choose her dog over food you are obviously too drunk me friend

    • honeyrose says:

      Oh big whoop. Probably not the best judgment in that case but everyone is ignorant about something. I’m sure a 10 minute snipped and edited video doesn’t tell her whole story.

    • Katarina Zornada says:

      @honeyrose but years after years of videos do

    • honeyrose says:

      @Katarina Zornada ok so what do you suggest, that she disappear from the face of the Earth and never be heard of again? Give your opinion, educate, move on hope for the best and wish her well. We are all humans with flaws, with different points of views, and experiences. Being so occupied with someone else’s issues is unhealthy amount of judgment. I live in the south and you will find alot of ppl like this, uneducated, and careless in some instances. What do you suggest as a solution?

    • One Stubborn Redhead says:

      @Katarina Zornada I agree with you that yes it does show who she is over the years💯
      I have my own weight-loss channel (started a month and a half ago and doing well so far) and I am transparent in what I do, and it shows👍🙂 I personally couldn’t do it any other way because I know my friends and family are watching so I never want them thinking I’m lying about anything. It’s about being honorable

  • Carrie Kelly says:

    Only positive reinforcement I ever received in ED therapy was when I lost weight. Insisted that I be weighed weekly – with us discussing fluctuations in weight/BMI afterwards – despite repeatedly telling them it was extremely traumatic and triggering for me. I’m six months out of sessions and my relationship with food has never been worse. This video has helped more than a year and a half of harmful and shame-based therapy ever could. Thank you.

    • thecuckooviolinist says:

      They shouldn’t make you weigh yourself weekly thats so counterproductive and horrible! You cannot go by just weight anyways, The reason why you want to lose weight is to look better and be healthier…if you look in the mirror and see obvious differences and you feel healthier and your doctor says you are, you are completely fine to gain a pound one week, and then lose 2 the next! Everyones weight fluctuates! Its called being human! Also water retention, heavy food in terms of weight, gaining muscle if you are working out, and so many other reasons! You are completely fine and I support you in your journey and I am sorry on behalf of those people! I love you and Merry Christmas!

    • xXWinterMoonXx says:

      How are you doing nowadays? Been a safe and good recovery?

  • MindfulMya says:

    I love the harm reduction this video is providing, and de-stigmatization. I love the research-based support for your claims. So wonderful, I honestly love what you do on YouTube and also approaching the Mental Health aspect to eating disorders, so important. Developing a healthy food relationship.

    • Freya778 says:

      Yes! Empathy, positivity and kindness!

    • Val N. Time says:

      Very well put, and absolutely agree. Regardless of the person at the center, the subject matter itself is extremely impactful and educational. Mental health is a sadly neglected aspect of nutrition, so it’s always wonderful to see!

    • Marina says:

      OMG, hi Mya! It’s marina from admissions 😂 You watch Abbey too??

  • sheri226 says:

    It’s medically impossible for her to stay the size she is by only be eating what she’s vlogging. She’s eating thousands of more calories than this a day.

    • Alba O'Neill says:


    • tori f says:

      Abbey literally said that Amber wouldn’t show us her binge episodes.

    • Joanne Lama says:

      In her response she give an example of a McD’s meal that is 3010 calories … thats JUST ONE MEAL !!!!

    • poralitical says:

      …..did you even watch the video?
      1. Abbey said that her binges wouldn’t be shown as most people with eating disorders only engage in the behavior alone/privately
      2. Abbey mentioned that Amber has said that something about being on camera makes her more aware of the volume she’s eating, and that her mukbangs often end up being less than she would have eaten otherwise

    • J D says:

      She’s eating a ton and if you eat that EVERYDAY, you can definitely maintain a high weight. If you have diabetes already, it’s also more difficult to lose weight unless you balance your sugar correctly and change your whole diet drastically. It’s a LOT of food / calories. A woman who is 5ft 3 should only be eating 1700 tops per day unless they are burning calories like Michael Phelps. Not sure how tall she is (taller or shorter than average), but she’s definitely over that limit.

  • S Nunya says:

    Amber is a toxic narcissist. I don’t care about her diet or her waistline; I care about her character. When Amber can hold herself accountable for her truly reprehensible behavior, I’ll consider doling out more sympathy/empathy.

  • HornyUnicorny says:

    I love that you point out that mukbang videos are “ok” when you’re thin, but people will rip you to shreds if you eat on camera if you’re heavy. Clearly, fat shaming is still very much a thing, even in our “anti-bullying” society. Your videos are great 💗

    • Jess Bellis says:

      I think it’s less about fat shaming and more about when people see an overweight person eating a lot on video, they assume it’s a consistent pattern of behaviour and the person is clearly more at risk for health issues the heavier they are. Especially in the case of Amberlynn, where her channel was (and still “technically” continues to be) a weight loss channel, but she’s gained almost 300 pounds. On top of this, most of the hate directed towards Amberlynn is about her lying, manipulation, gaslighting her audience, and actively sabotaging herself for views.

    • Holly Room says:

      I compare it to a friend drinking. If they get a little too drunk on a rare occasion it’s okay but if they’re always drinking a lot I would view it as a problem. When you see a thin person eating tons of food you know they aren’t eating like that all the time. If they did they wouldn’t be thin. When you see a person like ALR eating a ton of food you know that is normal for them and they’re consistently consuming too much food. I think that’s why people have issues with fat people doing mukbangs.

    • Dustin Rausch says:

      I know the bare minimum about Amberlynn or her critics, but it seems like the issue is less that she’s fat, and more that she claims to be trying to lose weight, but still routinely engages in a behavior that seems to actively sabotage that goal.

      If she came straight out saying “I know I’m fat, I know it’s bad for me, but I’m fine with that”, I doubt there would be many who would take issue with her.

  • methosimortal says:

    I really appreciate you pointing out the double standard people apply to mukbangers based on their weight. It’s clear to me that both Amberlynn and Foodie Beauty (another popular punching bag on youtube) are food addicts but the kind of exploitative youtube community that has spawn around them which basically financially profits off their misery is kind of disgusting.

  • Estee Hanvey says:

    I’ve been dipping back into some disordered eating habits over the last few weeks, but I come to your channel to get some encouragement. I appreciate your ability to speak to what I’m going through.

  • Suky Mias says:

    What you guys tend to forget is that people ask her to review Ambers diet. This lady is a dietitian and this is what her YouTube videos are about so obviously she’s only going to review her diet, some of her behaviors when it comes to food, the unnecessary fat-phobic comments and what it could do to someone who has a binge eating disorder. So I don’t get why you guys are so mad about if that’s her whole YouTube content and her profession.

  • Catwoman says:

    I struggled with binge eating throughout my life until I met with a dietician who introduced me to intuitive eating. Once I stopped seeing certain types of food as off-limits, I completely stopped binge eating and my weight gain stopped. Hearing Abbey’s conversation with her colleague made me remember those feelings I used to have when I was binging and I’m so happy that I don’t have to suffer from the debilitating guilt anymore. This idea that there are “no bad foods”, really changed my life.

    • Val N. Time says:

      Intuitive eating is such a life changing concept for somebody living with disordered eating. It’s been slow going after 15+ years of OSFED, but every step I make with intuitive eating and therapy is like entering a new world. It’s amazing how much I’ve healed from the years of self-neglect & abuse – all from just listening to my needs.

      Congrats on your recovery, that’s an incredible accomplishment. I really wish you the best going forward. 🙂

    • Celeste says:

      have had exactly the same experience. After binge eating for 20 years I don’t even think about bingeing now. Ditching diets and eating intuitively has relieved me of that madness in a few months, compared to years of therapy….incredible!

    • Ken Wang says:

      Yea its called the low fat diet and its whats causing weight gain. The opposite of what we were told.

    • Kathryn The Gr8 says:


    • FV 2112 says:

      Honestly, losing weight isnt hard when you realize that its a numbers game, calories in-calories out. You want to eat some of your favorite junk food and still lose weight? You earn it by being active and getting more steps in per day on your fitbit. Combining LoseIt with Fitbit has encouraged me to become more active and get in better shape.

  • Deanna says:

    It doesn’t matter your size binge eating really makes you feel really low. Just the emotional rollercoaster of the act of eating is enough to make someone want to give up on weight loss. I so sympathize with her and I hope she can get a handle on her struggles

    • Yoongi's Rap in 134340 says:

      this! i didn’t realize i had a problem with binge eating because i was “average” sized by society standards. but i knew my eating habits were far from normal and causing my distress about my health. im really have to say in the last 6 months i have done tremendous work and not binged. No foods I want are off limits so I enjoy desserts like ice cream regularly while my core diet staples are nutrious filled with fruits and veggies and protein. I’ve never felt like I’ve enjoyed food more but binge eating was ultimately a mental headspace and coping mechanism i needed to work through

  • Julie B says:

    I don’t care how ‘big’ or ‘little’ someone is, mukbangs make me anxious to watch. They are the food equivalent of watching an accident in slow motion.

  • RileyTimes says:

    This video was so nice. I have to admit, I do watch a lot of Amber and Amber-related content, and to see this feels like seeing a responsible grown up stepping in. This was really pleasant and interesting.

  • Rogue N Raw Wellness says:

    It might be horrible but watching channels like Amber Lynn, or shows like secret eaters, or Supersize Versus Superskinny, or 600lb life have helped me a lot. I went from being anorexic as a teen to being obese and binging. These kinds of shows really have helped me recognize that I have come a long way and I’m not obsessive over not eating or eating. I genuinely love food and love learning as much about nutrition as possible. I’m actually gradually going back to the relationship I had with food as a child growing up with a very healthy Mediterranean diet growing up with my grandparents. While somewhat exploitive they do show how easy it is to fall into an ED or obesity which I think is itself an ED. They also relate why people fall into these disorders. Which helps you work out why you have fallen into a similar pattern.

  • Brook says:

    The hunger crushing combo has changed my life! Abbey has an approach that will help with lifestyle changes that are realistic and has made me feel amazing inside and out!

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