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Tag Archives for " dr michael greger "

Rapamycin as a Universal Anti-Aging Drug

The side effects of rapamycin. Self-experimentation with the anti-aging drug continues to be strongly discouraged. This is the third and final video in this series. If you missed the previous ones, check out The Enzyme mTOR as an Engine of Aging ( ) and Inhibiting mTOR with Rapamycin for Extending Lifespan and Healthspan ( ). […]

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The Enzyme mTOR as an Engine of Aging

Inhibiting mTOR, the “master determinant of lifespan,” is considered the best validated aging regulator. So, how do you slow it down? This is the first video in a three-part series, so stay tuned for Inhibiting mTOR with Rapamycin for Extending Lifespan and Healthspan ( ) and Is Rapamycin a Universal Anti-Aging Drug? ( ). For […]

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The Benefits and Risks of Probiotic Supplements

Probiotics can actually interfere with microbiome recovery after antibiotics, rather than facilitate it. What probiotics can and can’t do. For more on probiotics, see: • Gut Feelings: Probiotics and Mental Health ( ) • Preventing and Treating Diarrhea with Probiotics ( ) • Preventing the Common Cold with Probiotics? ( ) • Should Probiotics Be […]

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How Much Exercise Is Too Much?

How much should you exercise per day and per week? It may be prudent to limit chronic, vigorous exercise to no more than an hour a day and no more than five hours a week, taking at least one or two days off. For runners, the recommended upper limit for longevity benefits is 30 miles […]

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Exercise Is Medicine

The evidence supporting the overall health benefits of physical activity is overwhelming. This is the second video in a four-part series. See How Many Steps Should We Get Every Day? ( ). If you missed the first one. Stay tuned for the mind-blowing Does Exercise Extend Your Lifespan or Just Your Healthspan? ( ). And, […]

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